Who are The Experimental Earth?
We are a lively bunch of musical beings set forth on a mission to bring new and enthralling music to music lovers spanning the globe. Our style is unique and ever changing and can cater to a diverse palate of listeners and musicians alike. Humans are musical and rhythm seems to rule the way of life. We appreciate music and its impact on everything -- it’s everywhere and heavily influential in our daily routines. We love playing music and playing for those whom love music too. Please check out our music section above and saturate your auditory needs.
Expanded bio section can be found at our band site:
You can also find more photos, gig information, and songs there too.
Message to the Fans:
Hey Earthlings! You guys rock -- thanks for all the support. Spread the word: The Experimental Earth invasion has begun -- Earthlings, assemble!
We are a collective of talented, lively, and musical beings; The Experimental Earth has landed and is looking toward conquering your stage. Our style rocks a wide spectrum of audiences and continues to prove new and enthralling.
Contact via Email:
[email protected]