anne rice, books, bricolaje, candles, chat, cinema, computing, cuddling, Dali, dark eyes, decoupage, disney, diy, dvd, eating out, españa, fairies, fiesta, food, gaudi, gay, handicrafts, harry potter, home cinema, internet, jigsaw puzzles, las nueve revelaciones, Madrid, maths, moon, newsgroups, science fiction, siesta, spain, stained glass, sunflower, tales, the celestine prophecy, tolkien, travel, wood, xmas
people from all over, specially guys
The B-52's, Tchaikowsky, Mozart, Amaral (great great great Spaniard pop group) {check}, Andrew Lloyd Webber, OMD, OBK, Mecano................
Spanish Cinema is improving very much these days. I LOVE Amenabar films, and he has directed/writtn JUST 5 films so far, he's incredible and he is ONLY 32 years old now (he was born in 1972, like me). I also like Star Wars Series. The old ones and the new series too. In adition to this I love fantastic, historic, horror, animation and many other kind of films.
Desperate Housewives, Aqui no hay quien viva, mis maravillosos vecinos, CSI, Jake 2.0, Medical Investigation
Don Quijote de la Mancha , Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Never Ending Story, anything from Roal Dahl, and so on. I'm always reading something
Superman, Batman, Robin, Spiderman, Hulk, Wonderwoman, Flash, Thor, Fantastic Four, X-men (all).....and so on...............