Demonte profile picture


Love & Be Loved

About Me

Soul 2 Sole Productions, is an organization that provides a unique way of teaching, mentoring, and developing professional growth in young kids and adults. Our primary focus will be to instill respect for others, leadership, commitment to self, compassion, and giving back to the community through Latin dance. All students will be instructed in a dance studio environment two hours a day three times a week learning the history and structure of Latin dance, and then applying what they have learned to everyday life. The Soul 2 Sole Project will also contribute countless hours of volunteer work and culture understanding to the surrounding community by performing at local charity events and community functions.The company name refers to the involvement of the inner self, or "Soul", and expressing those feelings through the outer body by contrubuting our time, knowledge, and countless hours of volunteer work to those in need. From the movement of our body to the "Soles" of our feet we communicate our interpretation to the audience.Soul 2 Sole was established in Austin Texas which now is based in San Antonio Texas. Since his arrival in San Antonio Demonte has been a great asset to the San Antonio Salsa communtiy by performing, teaching, and promoting Texas Salsa across the country.In the short time that Demonte has been part of the Texas Salsa community he has gained the trust and confidence of the Texas Salsa community and performers around the world to be considered one of the most supported Salsa promoters in the State. He was selected in 2006 to be a member of the Texas Promoters Association founded by Ruby Rivera.The Sky is the limit for Demonte and Soul 2 Sole and the Sky he will reach for!I edited my profile with A href="htt

My Interests

Muscic-Life-Love-Art-History My LiL Queen Jaida

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has the gift to inspire others to follow their dreams......


Jazz-Salsa-R&B-Hip/Hop-Spoken Word-Poetry-LiL Country


Scar Face


Sports-CNN-ESPN-Discovery Channel


To Kill A Mocking Bird-Gifted Hands-Fredrick Douglas


Soldiers that have gave their lives and who put their lives on the line every day so that me and my family can enjoy freedom in our lives another day....Much Love 2 Our Troops

My Blog

Worth of a Woman

"Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be ...
Posted by Demonte on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:14:00 PST

Sacrifice yourself for Others

A good friend sent this to me and it will always stay with me where ever I may roam...... A Tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friend...
Posted by Demonte on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:57:00 PST