dancing, music, and traveling
I like it all, but I'm Cuban at heart so I love Salsa, & grew up in New Orleans so I love hip hop!!!
I can always enjoy any movie, specially when I enjoy the person that I'm watching it with!!11
girlfriends, sex in the city, eve, run's house, dr.90210
too many to name all.
.. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://widget-48.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf" height="300" width="400" align="middle" .. My parents are my heroes for taking the risk of loosing their children in the ocean, leaving all our family behind. for being brave as to build a boat, with a chevy truck engine and crossing the ocean to give us a better life. But people in USA complain all day long because their cell phone is not fancy enough, or because they have to work everyday... Cubans have to work their asses of for nothing, to starve everyday; have no say so when the electricity will be running, with no running water, no toilet paper, no soap, shampoo, clothes or shoes, and not be able to change anything ever; not even be able to speak up and let the world know.. Be Thankful for every breath of fresh air you can take in a free country, where all you have to do is work to have anything you want.Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for allowing us to come to this country the same way thousands have lost their lives!!..