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My babies Molly and Hemingway are the best pets a woman could ask for, Massage Therapy, Photography, I live for Music and Concerts, Snowboarding, Hiking, Travel, Playing my Sigma Guitar, Gourmet Restaurants, Wine Tastings, Picnics in the Park, Candle lit Baths, Listening and Observing, People Watching, Helping my fellow man, The path less traveled, hopeless Romantics, Dancing like no one is watching The greatest state in the nation in my opinion.
People who love the world and all it has to offer as much as I do.
Medeski Martin and Wood, Keller Williams, Jim Gilmour, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Robert Randolph & The Family Band, Mike Faranti & Spearhead, Grateful Dead, Phish, Arcade Fire, G Love, Rusted Root, Martin Sexton, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Ryan Adams, Bela Fleck, Dave Matthews, Lotus, Umphrees McGee, Beatles, Greg Klyma, John Buttler Trio, Jazz Mandolin, Nickle Creek, Grace Potter, Rick Reddington, Janes Addiction, White Stripes, Blind Melon, Wilco, Foo Fighters, 311, Keane.......... And Much Much More, Keep it diverse and support live and local musicians!!!!!!!
Conversations with God, What the bleep do we know? and the Secret have changed my life.
I dislike the TV so I don't really watch it. If I do watch it I have a tendancy to disconnect from the world. Freaks me out.......
Anything pertaining to massage therapy or healing, A walk in the woods, Marly and me
My father for teaching me to be independent and Molly Moe for teaching me patience.
Funny Pictures