John of the Dead (Pickles) profile picture

John of the Dead (Pickles)

You got Red On You

About Me

Alright here I am back once again, The outcast Outlaw Outsider Wasted youth Growing exile, Here to take revenge on your sociaty And spit my last breath in man kind's face! I ain't got no image and I ain't got no style. I can't sing and I don't dance. I don't rap and I can't act. And I deffinatly ain't too fucking pretty. But I'll drink you under tha table, Knock your fucking teeth out, Steal your fucking car, Piss in your face, Fuck your fucking mother, And tell you the truth The hole truth And nothing but the truth As I seen it while surving My life sentence On the outside and darkside Of your sick twisted evil fucking sociaty

My Interests

mass effect, blue dragon, command and conquer, starcraft, final fantasy, disgaea, hoshigami, zelda, halo, gears of war, call of duty, elder scrolls, fable, kotor, battlefronts, the punisher, doom, quake, resident evil, dead rising, half life, unreal
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star wars, the devils rejects, boondock saints, shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, the protector, seven swords, one armed swords man, evil dead, dawn of the dead, friday the 13th, bad santa, big lewbowski, blues brothers, taxi driver, resident evil, pulp fiction, death proof, planet terror, 300, die hard, reservoir dogs, kill bill, from dusk till dawn, blade, hellboy, sin city, monty python, spaceballs, pitch black, star trek, stargate, battle star galactica, 36th chamber of the shaolin, v for vendetta, halloween, nightmare on elm street, snakes on a plane, south park, clerks, dogma, pi, constantine, and too many more to list
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My Blog


i am fucking sick of hospitals, doctors, doctors offices, tests, perscriptions, psychratrist, therapist, and medical pratcies in general.  i need to learn som healing spells pronto!
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:24:00 PST

whats been goin on

today has been a rough day and its officail now im not gonna be a daddy anytime soon. to anyone who came to our party, sorry that we have not gotten any thank you cards out we have had so many th...
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:07:00 PST


so i dont know what my problem is today, i have zero motivation and i feel all blah for no reason. ive been listening to "classic rock" for a hour or so now and its kinda depressing.  hail rock a...
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Sat, 13 May 2006 03:27:00 PST


condened criminal orgins fucking rocks, its creepy and good and i get to hit people with 2x4's and it makes that neat clunk noise
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 01:03:00 PST


ok fuck florida, fuck chrystler 300 cars, fuck ohio and all the ohiggers that live there, fuck germany, fuck the south (except kentucky and tennesee) fuck granpa, fuck retirement centers, fuck old man...
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 01:00:00 PST


my gun shot wound is sore today someday, never comes for me ive been listening to the same two ramallah songs about 15 times in a row
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 06:27:00 PST

bot con

been at botsford hostpital every day since st. pats from like 7am till around 9pm, it sucks that this kind of shit happens to people who dont deserve this shit to happen to them, seriously, why doesnt...
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 08:00:00 PST


my stomach hurts, whats the cure?
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:08:00 PST

whats life but a river of tears anyway?

you know, sometimes when i get up in the morning i really i dont know if i can face another day, cause shits been so fucking hard for so fucking long, sometimes it seems like shit aint ever gonna chan...
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 05:49:00 PST


i have a hole in my chest that looks alot like a gsw, i got druged with morphine, i almost got fired, but i dont care, my wife loves me and thats all i need
Posted by John of the Dead (Pickles) on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 06:18:00 PST