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About Me

Quai du live : Aela
envoyé par Domino_TV Aelas music is pure and direct, the sound of four good buddies jamming for the sheer hell of it. Meeting for the first time in the summer of 2003 while working on a small fishing-vessel in the choppy waters of the North Atlantic, they promised themselves that they would start a band together if they ever made it home alive.The fruit of that chance encounter is a live show illuminated by frontman Hallis erratic behaviour- one moment balancing precariously on the edge of a chair whilst yelping incoherently into the mic, the next diving off the stage, guitar in tow, during one of his frequent forays into the audience. Channeling the focused punk-rock sound of bands such as Icelandic legends Purrkur Pillnik, their two-minute bursts of manic noise have also inspired comparison to the Minutemen. However, it is their boundless energy and sense of fun which have garnered praise from all corners and earned them a reputation as one of the most exciting bands around.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/28/2005
Band Members: Ævar - guitar
Sveinn - bass
Hafþór - drums
Halli Valli - guitar/vocals

Record Label: Geimsteinn
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Æla in Ængland next week

AELA are invading England next week. Hope to see you at our shows.Details are as follows:March26 Oxford Market Tavern w/ Junkplanet, The Walk Off, Worldview27 London Artrocker w/ Children Collide28 Br...
Posted by Aela on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 06:03:00 PST

Jólalöggan komin á stjá

Jólalöggan fór á stjá um miðjan nóvember og refsaði og aðvaraði fólk sem var með ótímabært jólafát!! Lagið um jólalögguna var tekið upp fyrir tveimur árum en fór lítið fyrir því. Okkur þykir ansi vænt...
Posted by Aela on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:10:00 PST

Besta hljómsveit landsins um þessar mundir skv. Baggalút

Fram kom í fréttaauka Baggalúts á Rás 2 þann 25. nóv sl. að hljómsveitin Æla væri besta hljómsveit landsins um þessar mundir og að hún myndi örugglega ekki hita upp fyrir House Band og Magna...
Posted by Aela on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:07:00 PST

Debut Album out on Friday

Our album "Synid tillitssemi, eg er fravik" will be in stores on friday (tomorrow)!! We are very happy with the result! Go shop!
Posted by Aela on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:57:00 PST

Iceland Airwaves review from Christian Hoard

ODD-MEN-OUT MAKE THE NIGHTSaturday night at Grand Rokk featured a load of home-grown metal acts, all whom showed off their impressive chops and skull-rattling riffs but ultimately served to set t...
Posted by Aela on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 07:16:00 PST