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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm soo utterly amazing you can't even believe it,A native new yorker,And I can cook my ass off. You are 100% New Yorker

Allright! A fellow New Yorker! Right ON! You MUST be from the city. No need for a guide, you can stroll through the streets with ease.

How NYC Are You?
Create MySpace Quizzes

The only test I ever got %100 on, beat that bitches!

My Interests

music,fun,booze,books,food,carousing with my girls,cursing at yuppies........expressing general disgust with the state of the world..,mocking the cheesy, laughing uncontrollably,my boyfriend (he made me write that),cursing,I love netflix,chocolate,people who use their big girl/boy voices,my peeps in michigan,having fun,murray's cheese,walking all over nyc,brooklyn,really good food,coney island,thunderstorms,reading in bed,the statue of alice in wonderland in central park,forsyth street,stuyvesant town (in the 80's early 90's,when I was a young vixen)see's candy,good wine,chesnut on smith street(amazing food),family reunions,drunken weddings,cute shoes,dr.seuss,john steinbeck,a tree grows in brooklyn,el camino's,drive in movies,the beach,swimming in lakes,being really silly,little girls who carry purses,elfquest,the lord of the rings,harrison ford,all things polish,scottish accents,silly jim,lilacs,finger painting,detroit,old family pictures,green,blue,pink,my cat,kurt vonnegut,margaret atwood,kissing,nectarines,kids,christmas,musicals,singing off key,gnomes,fairies,halloween,new years eve,lily of the valley,homemade baked goods,giraffes,painted toes,turtles,the LES when i was a kid,documentaries,getting tickled,organic food,dirty jokes,converse all-stars,graffiti,...other stuff too

I'd like to meet:

Rambling boys of pleasure and ladies of easy leisure.... and gnomes.


heavy metal,hardcore,punk,ska,dancehall.hip-hop,cheesy eighties crap....showtunes, Pretty much anything that doesn't involve going to clubs that have strobe lights, I hate strobe lights.


I enjoy the cinema


I was a latchkey kid, OF course I love TV....It raised me.


I love the books!!!!!I couldn't begin to list all my favorites,so I'm listing what I've read starting august 06: We need to talk about kevin,the plot against america,the color of water,power of one(sucks,don't bother)sex with kings,the law of dreams(AMAZING!!),reading lolita in teheran What is the what? - dave eggers.(read it, you'll realize how lucky you really are)on beauty- zadie smith, you don't love me yet- johnathan lethem,truth and beauty,inheritance of loss,the magic years(about pre-schoolers brain development, fascinating!),until I find you,yiddish policemans union,the known world, bright lights,big city,


DEBBIE HARRY!!!!! miss piggy,julia child,my grandma,Dorothy Parker,Chrissie Hynde,My mom,shirley maclaine,Bea arthur Various other people

My Blog

What currently really bothers me

Wanna know what currently really pisses me off? (I know you shiver with anticipation)It's the "BRATZ" movie. When did it get really cool to be a vapid,materialistic, catty whore? Where oh where did th...
Posted by alexis on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:44:00 PST

nyc survey ripped off from jenny

NYC SURVEYNEW Y0RK SURVEY- O.K. so you have seen the teeny bopper surveys, and the slightly better grown up ones....You have seen the Yes / No ones.....well here is one geared more towards New Yorkers...
Posted by alexis on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 09:28:00 PST

massive beer shortage

why is there a massive beer shortage you ask?Because holly,jenny and I drank it all last night.I now feel like death vaguely warmed over.I haven't drank that many cans of beer since my last family re...
Posted by alexis on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 01:16:00 PST

on annoying things

you know what's annoying? peole who say "I don't mean to be annoying,but..." or "I don't mean to be a pain in the ass,but" Well, if you don't mean to be annoying that WHY are you being so annoying? If...
Posted by alexis on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 01:28:00 PST


blogs are dumb.
Posted by alexis on Thu, 18 May 2006 05:43:00 PST