Stormtrooper profile picture


Their Spires Underline our Deepest Graves

About Me

To Support the Galactic Empire click here . Be sure to Join up yourself too! Believe it or not I came from a Galaxy far far away, my designation is TK-37509. I'm on an Imperial Expidition to this system, I came across this global computer network by mistake while scanning the third planet for intelligent life (technically the life there is sentient...but hardly intellegent.).I am the product of the Imperial Academy on Carida. You may not know it to look at us, but we Stormtroopers are alot more complex than most people realize. I'm not merely a tool of war. My primary function may be to serve the Empire and enforce the will of the Emporor. But I have wants and needs of my own. You know when Luke Skywalker shot Dan I was really broaken up about that. You know they dont even hold funeral services for us? We're sheep to them. Get to know me you'll see theres more than a shiney suit.Stormtrooper's love comments, so coment everything of be desintigrated.

My Interests

Painting, Violin, Poetry, long walks on the beach, sunsets, Speedbikes, Blasters, killing Moisture Farmers and Jawas.

I'd like to meet:

Those Republic bastards who are responsible for the death's of so many of my brothers.


Punk Rock, Ska and Twi' Lek dancers!


The Empire Strikes Back (Only good one). Drop Dead Fred. Ghostbusters1&2., Most any movie where the hero is a bad guy, bad guys kick ass.


I like Late Night with Conan Obrian.


Anythign by Salinger, Proudhon, Bakunin.


Lord Vader, Boba Fett, The Impirial Guard.

My Blog

Support the Empire! All you have to do is click that link, and you'll have done your part! If you so choose, you could click it every half hour! I still need to replace my armo...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 07:45:00 PST

Earth Women are Evil

I wrote about a new love interest in my life some time ago. And I'll have you all know she tore my heart out like a Rancor on an acid trip. It was totally uncool. I may return to my previous post. I'l...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A Crime Against Humanity

Okay, so I've been rather pumped since Episode III came out, and I wont ruin the movie for those of you who havent seen it, I'll just say this-- Total Sweetness. All was well. The past week was going...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Only Hope

Okay, so I'm in financial trouble. My suit has become lost in a recent scrap. I need to raise funds. As you know my job doesnt pay well, and I've come on hard times. I don't have the time right now to...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Mitch Hedburg

R.I.P. Mitch Hedburg age 37. Died of Heart Failure, March 30, 2005. Greatest Comedian since Groucho Marx. and a fucking legend in his own right. We miss Mitch.
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ORganic Junk fude go there and vote for Organic Junk Fude
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


1.PICK ONE OF YOUR SCARS OUT, NOW HOW DID YOU GET IT On my left thigh, that Gondark tore clean through the armor! 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? Durasteel plating....duh? 3. WHAT WAS YO...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Life- as a Stormtrooper.

I'm old. I've lived a long time. The Empire has fallen, I know. We may be at "Peace" with the Rebels and their "New Republic" but I'd like to tell you all of the glory days, my glory days. I don't ...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hey, I'd like to thank everyone who has invited me to various events. I promise eventually I'll find the free time to go to each of them, in full dress no less, I'm sure you'll all find it a wonderful...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Commom misconceptions about Stormtroopers

First and foremost I'd like to address the most obvious of these issues. WE ARE NOT CLONES. Since the release of Star Wars Episode 2 everyone has gone around thinking us to be Clones. We are not. The ...
Posted by Stormtrooper on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST