LEGEND ENTERTAINMENT~! clubs.. club promotions.. DJin... Cars(u kno, dem rice rocketz)... airsoft.. computers.. DVDz.. chillen.. anything fun...
fine people, such as yourself. ^_^
On the honesty tip tho, I'd like to meet people that are genuine in themselves. Not some fake ass superficial sh!t u see all the time... I consider myself to be as straight forward as it gets... I hope to meet people that are REAL...
some thoughts about love:
.......for a long time, i started to think that true love was something that didnt exist... my guess was because it was something that i hadnt experienced for a little over two years.. at the same time i had also come to realize that true love is something that is TRULY everlasting... n then one day, i woke up, n the world seemed that much more beautiful.. the sky seemed just a little bit bluer... the clouds semmed a little bit whiter... n the sun shined that much brighter.. i woke up with a smile on my face. n then i realized the reason for such a wonderful awakening was because of one person. she makes me smile in ways ive never smiled before... she makes me feel like there is always another light at the end of the tunnel.... a lot of the lights at the end of my tunnel have already burned out, but all of a sudden, their burning out made way for the brightest light to shine through... to me, she is the brightest i have ever seen... it is bright, but not overpowering... it shines, but does not glare.. it is not distracting, but guides my way... in short, it is the kind of light that makes everything that much clearer to me.
to my dearest girlfriend mae: thank you for being that light in my life. thank you for opening my eyes in ways i never expected them to open. but ultimately: thank you for loving me in ways i never thought possible.
EVERYTHING!!! uhh, except for polka i guess.. lol
too many to list.. but let's try, shall we? Shawshank Redemption.. the whole Star Wars Series.. LOTR... Requiem of a Dream... Snatch.. Conspiracy Theory... Forrest Gump.. Big Fish... Hero.. Crimson Tide.. Anchor Man.. Bruce Almighty... GLORY(awesome war movie)... Braveheart.. Italian Job... Matrix 1,2,3... Road/Euro trip... Gladiator.. The INCREDIBLES.. Shrek 1 & 2... Blackhawk down..
i also love all the classics... chick flicks are hella good(and no, im not gay). casa blanca was an awesome movie.. so was the notebook..
.. ok.. im gettin tired thinkin about all my fav. movies. im sure u get the jist
i've watch at least 1 movie a day.. LOL. my DVD collection is ridiculously big.
Da Vinci Code- dis book makes u think.. really good read
The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind-- each book is fawken huge... really good reading, esp if ur into the whole fictional story land stuff.. wizardz n magic.. yeah.. ill admit it. i was a geek @ one time =X.
Animal Farm-- yes, ill admit, it's only 6th grade reading level.. but its still one of my favorite books. interesting how it was based on the fall of the Soviet Union.
... i cant think of any more books.. theres a crackload more... but yeah, ill add them as the come to mind.