Your Inner European is Irish!
Sprited and boisterous!You drink everyone under the table.
Who's Your Inner European?
Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.
The World's Shortest Personality Test
I'd like to meet:
Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and femaleYou are both sensitive and savvyRational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headedBut you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?
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Dead kennedys
the stooges
new york dolls
the distillers
black flag
cock sparrer
cockney rejects
screeching weasel
against all authorithy
dead boys
agent orange
agnostic front
operation Ivy
the adicts
the clash
UK subs
dropkick murphys
floggin molly
minor threat
bouncing souls
Rage against the machine
Bo Labar ya mechoar
7 secondes
sick of it all
bad religion
kid dynamite
dag nasty
Bob marley
damian marley
less than jake
lagwagonDescendents Lyrics Descendents Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by ..
I am 58% Asshole/Bitch.
.. I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom
family guy,simpsons,love&marriage,xtrem shit and many more...
adopt your own virtual pet!
a LiL aBouT Me..
NaMe: Roi
NiCkNaMeZ: RoiRoi
AgE: 17
GeNdEr: male
StRaiGht/GaY/Bi: straight
BiRthDaY: 9/10/1988
BiRtHpLaCe: israel
CuRrEnT LoCaTiOn: Ramat gan, israel
HeiGhT: dunno
HaiR CoLoR: black
EyE CoLoR: brown
ThiNk YoUr AtTraCtiVe: u tell me
CoNtAcTs/GLaSsEs?: contacts
SmOkE/DriNk?: drink
BeEn AtTraCteD tO ThE sAme SeX?: no
EvEr BeEn DruNk?: sure
EvEr BeEn HiGh?: no
PoPpEd PiLLs?: no
ArE yOu A ViRGiN?: ^_^
EvEr WaTcHeD PoRnO?: ya
Do YoU LiKe iT?: there r better things
ArE YoU a FrEeK-A-LeEk oR jUs NoRmaL?: normal
FeTiShEs: ass
AsTrOLoGiCaL SiGn: Libra
FeArs: dunno
EvEr TaLk To YoUrSeLf?: not really
Do YoU CuRsE aLoT?: yes
ArE YoU GuLLaBLe?: Am I what?
DeMoCrAt/RePubLiCaN: none
ShY oR OuTgOiNg: outgoing
NaUgHtY oR NiCe: depense
ReMeMbEr YoUr 1sT kiSs?: yes
WhEn WaS iT?: when I was 10 or 11
EvEr SnUck OuT tHe HoUse?: yes
EvEr SkiPpEd ScHoOL?: yes
EvEr ShOpLiFtEd?: candys?
GoT CauGht?: once
LiEd To A fRiEnD?: not really
LiEd To A Bf/Gf?: no
ChEaTed On A Bf/Gf?: no
BeEn iN a FiSt FiGhT?: yes
TyPe Of MuSiC YoU pReFeR?: punk, hardcore
iN A GuY/GiRL..
BLoNde/BrUnEtTe: depense
EyE CoLoR: blue
TyPe oF pErSoNaLiTy: easy goin', relaxed, outgoing,standing 4 her belives ,cool,nice, sweet..
StYLe: ...
HeIgHt: 1.65-1.70
SHy Or OuTgOiNg?: outgoing
AsShOLe BuT gOrGeOus oR SweEthEaRt BuT UgLy(iSh)?: none
ThiS oR THaT..
StAy iNsiDe oR gO oUt?: depense
FaT FrEe Or FULL oF CaRbs?: full of carbs
StRaWbERriEs PLaiN oR w/ WhiPpEd CreAm And ChoCoLaTE?: both
FaSt FoOD oR HoMECOoKiNg?: fast food
NiGhT oR DaY?: both
MaKE-OuT oR CuDdLe?: make out
SLoW DaNce Or FrEeKy?: ain't much of a dancer..just pogo shit
FaSt oR sLoW?: depense