bodies of water, bondage, camping, canoeing, cbc radio, charms, clever teeshirts, codes, company in the shower, compulsive doodling, good documentaries, domestic archeology, dreams, edward gorey, erotica, etymology, fairuza balk, fantasy, fictional characters, fishing, flirting, folklore, girls with guns, graffiti, haiku, hidden meaning, hr giger, icons, the idea of hero vs the idea of monster, idle destruction, imaginary languages, koyaanisqatsi, leaving a mark, livejournal, lucid dreaming, lycanthropy, made up words, maps, mc escher, memento mori, memoir, memory, moleskine notebooks & sketchbooks, movie quotes, mythology, the nature of hope, nhl hockey, ottawa, ottawa senators, personal mythology, people watching, photography, poetry, potential tattoos, powaqqatsi, procrasturbation, putting things in my mouth, puzzles, rain, random acts of kindness, relics, running, self-portraits, the look of a shaved head, sketchbooks, sketching, skulls, symbols, taboo, talismans, tanka, tarot, totems, trivia, urban augury, wet tee shirts, wicca, women in tee shirts, women with swords, writing.
Massive Attack,, classical music, covers, Dead Can Dance, Dido, Ani Difranco, Kathleen Edwards, Philip Glass, Hocus Pocus, Koyaanisqatsi, Annie Lennox, Massive Attack, Joni Mitchell, Moonlight Sonata, Ennio Morricone, movie soundtracks, Nickelback, Pink Floyd, Portishead, Powaqqatsi, Camille Saint-Saëns, Howard Shore, Elliott Smith, The Tragically Hip, trance, Neil Young, Led Zepplin, Hans Zimmer.
These are off the top of my head: 6th Sense, Alien (Director's Cut), Almost Famous, American Beauty, Apocalypse Now, Bladerunner (Director's Cut), Cool Hand Luke, Dangerous Liaisons, Dead Man Walking, Deliverance, Elizabeth, Fargo, Fight Club, Gladiator, The Godfather I & II, Grizzly Man, The Hustler, Kill Bill I & II, Koyaanisqatsi, LA Confidential, Leon (The Professional), Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, LOTR Trilogy, The Matrix, Marathon Man, Memento, Midnight Cowboy, Murderball, The Mission, Mystic River, The Name of the Rose, Of Mice and Men (1992), Powaqqatsi, Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, Red Dragon, The Remains of the Day, Reservoir Dogs, Romeo + Juliet (Luhrmann), Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, Se7en, Shakespeare in Love, The Shawshank Redemption, Silence of the Lambs, Taxi Driver, The Thing, Twelve Monkeys, Twelve Angry Men, The Unforgiven, The Usual Suspects, The Wall
Again these are just books and authors off the top of my head: The Alienist, Paul Auster, Aztec, (old) Clive Barker, Beowulf, The Beach, Giles Blunt, Anthony Bourdain, Raymond Chandler, A Clockwork Orange, Michael Connelly, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Jeffery Deaver, The Club Dumas, fairy tales, Fight Club, Umberto Eco, folklore, William Gibson, Thomas Harris, Donald Harstad, history, Robert Holdstock, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Nick Hornby, horror fiction, The Hot Zone, Into Thin Air, Stephen King, Kitchen Confidential, LA Confidential, Lord of the Flies, Lord of the Rings, HP Lovecraft, Ross Macdonald, George RR Martin, mystery novels, The Name of the Rose, Out (Kirino), Chuck Palahniuk, Robert B Parker, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, The Perfect Storm, Pillars of the Earth, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Richard Preston, Ian Rankin, A Simple Plan, Neal Stephenson, JRR Tolkien,
My heroes are writers and artists. Art for me is all about connecting with the hearts, minds, experience and imagination of your audience. Powerful art leaves a mark, it doesn't merely reflect the world of the artist or the viewer, it changes it, colours it.