The Skeletor King ♥ profile picture

The Skeletor King ♥


About Me

Who I am, is not of importantance, what I'm about, however, is.
Most people don't consider themselves environmentalists because they don't consider themselves part of the environment, but they are. You ARE part of the cycle. What you do to it, you do to yourself. This is something you should care about.
If You Are Any Kind Of Human Being At All, You'll Visit These Links To Help Make A Difference.
Stand Up For Something. Have A Purpose.

"All ten of the hottest years on record, globally, have occured in the last fifteen years."
I like photography. A LOT. I take photographs of anything & everything. If you wish to view some of my photos, please feel free to check out my Deviant Art gallery.
I hate you all, as a whole.
But individually, you might just stand a chance.
Care to test your chances?
I don't drive 'cause I'd much rather walk, bike, or rollerblade than help pollute our air. Plus, everyone is so damn fat now-a-days, I'm sure we could all use the exercise. Why not help every living thing out in the process? So while you're at, why not RECYCLE too? Please? It's really not a hard thing to do. Instead of throwing it in a trash can, you throw it in a blue bin. Not too hard, right?
Visit for all the info you need. Any questions-- They'll be answered there.
You could say I'm a hippie, a filthly filthly hippie, and I'm fine with that. But only in the sense that I enjoy NATURE and care about THE ENVIRONMENT. That and... I enjoy Rock 'n' Roll.
We had all better start taking care of this planet & cleaning it up, before there is nothing left to clean up.
We're Killing Ourselves & No One Seems To Care. Everyone Is In Denial and Refuses to Acknowledge the FACTS.
I Have A Severe Fear Of Dying.
Plain & Simple. There couldn't be anything worse.
I don't like my Birthday. Why? Because I don't like getting older, that's why.
I live a healthly lifestyle. Well, as healthly as I can be, anyway. Ya know, with the stomach and all. I eat right and that also means, NO DRUGS, NO ALCOHOL. I've never done them and I don't have to to know that I do not want too.
I HAVE NEVER had sex. I am a Virgin. Probably going to stay that way for QUITE some time, since everyone is such a streetwalker. Where are all the nice, clean, wholesome girls? Did they all die? Or have they all just turned into wretched WHORES? The latter? Oh, okay... now I got'cha. It's sickening, really; To see all of you humping like savages when you're like 14. And then you 18 year olds, you've had more sexual partners than Gene Simmons. Yeah, that's real cute. What an accomplishment. I'm glad to see you've finally done something with your life. AND sucking everybody off isn't any better, just to clear that up. Have some PRIDE, some SELF-RESPECT(or should I say RESTRAINT).Doesn't anyone have any morals anymore? Yeah, I guess you're right.
...NOW that I'm done ranting...
Something Once Beautiful
Oh... Fluff! Youz mah boo.
"When you die, you'll have to leave them behind. You should keep that in mind. When you keep that in mind, you'll find a love as big as the sky." - You, You’re A History In Rust - Do Make Say Think

My Interests

Katrina- My kitty kat, &&& Claire- My Little Jewish Princess.
In the Sexxxiest, Bloodiest mess I have ever seen.

My Two Favoritest New Jersians, Forever and EVER.
My Dearest Kitty Kat, Why are you so fantastic? JEEZ. I love you. :)

Girls Who Admit They Poop, 'Cause We All Know I Like To Poop. Seriously. Like, I'm Really Serious Guys. Okay?! GOSH! MAKING OUT. SLEEPING. LIFE. People(for the most part). The Idea Of Faking My Own Death. Art(in all its forms). Drawing. Music. GUITAR. ♥Photography♥. Make-up. Redheads. Frogs. Lizards. BATS. HEARTS. Black & White Themed Things. Things That Glow In The Dark. SKELETONS. VAMPIRES. Hoodies. Boots. Everything circa the 1970's HUGS. CUDDLING. Closeness. Ancient Egypt. Old London. Gothic Architecture. ANIME. VIDEO GAMES. Fellow Lactose Intolerantians. People With I.B.S.

I'd like to meet:

Some Environmentalists, Bicyclists, and Hippies would be nice.
Also, A Girl With Nice Lips, A Girl With Some Class, A Girl Who Doesn't Try To be Something She's Not, A Girl Who Makes Me Weak in the Knees & Is Just an Overall Joy to Be Around-- Oh Wait, I ALREADY MET HER. :) My Dearest Laurie, you are the Topanga Lawrence to my Cory Matthews, the Donna Pinciotti to my Eric Forman, the Clementine Kruczynski to my Joel Barish. Your Beauty is Staggering, Inside & Out. You Truly Are An Incredible Person, and I Don't Know What I'd Do Without You.

Let's Save The Planet Together.

Then... Hayao Miyazaki, Jim Carrey, Jackie Chan, & the cast of That '70s Show. Lastly, Any MUSICIANS, MAKEUP Artists, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Anyone ART Oriented, Fellow Philadelphians, Anyone Who Frequents the Area Regularly, Anyone & Everyone With Stomach Problems, Anyone Like Me, Anyone Completely NOT Like Me, And Finally, Anyone Who Believes In Love. Because that's a good thing to believe in. Don't You Think?

If You Are On My Friends List And I Added You, That Means I Truely, Genuinely Want To Talk To You. =] So If I Haven't, PLEASE Yell At Me.

Self Portraits

Nature/Everything else Shots

I shrunk them and put my name all over them. Sorry, I didn't want anyone trying to steal them. SORRY. :D




A Perfect Circle
Amusement Parks On Fire
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Bob Dylan
The Cooper Temple Clause
The Cranberries
The Doors
Damien Rice
Do Make Say Think
Explosions in the Sky
Fiona Apple
Fear Before the March of Flames
Frou Frou
Kaki King
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Led Zeppelin
My Morning Jacket
Pete Yorn
Marilyn Manson
Mindy Smith
Minus The Bear
The Most Dangerous Race
No Doubt
Pearl Jam
Pink Floyd
The Rise
The Smashing Pumpkins
Silversun Pickups
Team Sleep
Taking Back Sunday
Tegan & Sara
The Vines
Vex Red


♥THE LABYRINTH♥. ♥ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND♥. ♥SPIRITED AWAY♥. Howl's Moving Castle. Princess Mononoke. Castle In The Sky. Grave Of The Fireflies. NausicaA. Shaun of the Dead. Edward Scissorhands. The Virgin Suicides. Vampire Hunter D. High Fidelity. ♥THE WIZARD OF OZ♥. From Hell. The Dark Crystal. ♥GREMLINS 2♥. Se7en. Sleepy Hollow. The NeverEnding Story 2.♥Indiana Jones♥. Ghost World. Girl, Interrupted. The Emperor's New Groove. Lost and Delirious. ♥THE LAND BEFORE TIME♥. The Nightmare Before Christmas. 28 Days Later. Alice In Wonderland. I LOVE Movies. Correction- GOOD movies. AND if they involve Jim Carrey or Jackie Chan, you simply cannot go wrong. That's a FACT.


♥THAT '70S SHOW♥. ♥BOY MEETS WORLD♥. Seinfeld. Scrubs. 3rd Rock from the Sun. The Wonder Years. MythBusters. Dirty Jobs. Digging for the Truth. Spin City. How I Met Your Mother. The Class. Two and a Half Men. Dharma & Greg. Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. My Gym Partner's a Monkey. Metalocalypse. Rescue Me. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. South Park. The War at Home. FarScape. Conan O' Brien. Craig Ferguson. Insomniac with Dave Attell. My Name Is Earl. The Office.


The Color Of Water.Of Mice And Men. --I'm actually not much of a reader. I'm too stupid. Um... What do you suggest?


...Are overrated.But If I have to-- Hayao Miyazaki, Jim Morrison, Jim Carrey, ANNND Daniel Johns. They rule over all. I'm not kidding. I love them all to death and probably would let them fuck me. It's true.Hey, aren't they all men? FAG!

"What's going on in this world? Though you are alive, darkness looms only inches away.
A world where any move you make could be a dangerous mistake.
So, we will step away from the mainstream and live like vagabonds and common dropouts.
Don't you wanna hang out and waste your life with us?"

My Blog

Old Photographs

I MESSED UP A LOT OF THE LINKS TO THE PHOTOS and I don't feel like fixing it. :)Random Old Photographs. Most are a little over a year old.Take a gander, if you'd like. Crap,  not crap, some more ...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 01:09:00 PST

Photographs of Great Amounts

Here are some photos I never posted on myspace & some I have. Take a look, enjoy. Maybe?Also, quick question; If got prints made of some of my photographs, do you think anyone/you w...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 04:41:00 PST

Oodles of Doodles

Just a bunch of crap. Stuff I haven't finished, but hopefully will.Mainly, because I suck at drawing... especially hair. 17 photos of doodles, not a lot. Take a look, & uhh, let me know...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 03:30:00 PST

The Storm... (30 seconds makes all the difference)

The Storm from last night, has to be the biggest douchebag around.I was heading for my room, when I decided to make a quick stop in my parents bedroom first, to check the t.v. guide channel. When, I h...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:50:00 PST

InConjunction With...

my last blog. I'd like to sincerely... ask all my friends who smoke. TO PLEASE STOP. JUST STOP. my mom won't. and it's really pissing me off.she has been smoking for over 20 years.and I think it's be...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 03:35:00 PST

You Shouldn't Do It...

I don't recommend thinking about dying every day of the week. 24/7. I have for weeks now. It's tearing my insides up. I feel god awful. Body, Mind & Spirit. I get real shakey, light headed, clamy...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 03:30:00 PST


A few Art projects I did for skool, 8 billion years ago. Free-handed. AS USUAL.  Rulers, you can suck it. =] Stencils too. Didn't finish this one completely. 3 statue, thingy majiggy. Had to in...
Posted by The Skeletor King ♥ on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 12:34:00 PST