About Me
I love my Friends and family.
I love music and to i want have the best time i possibly can whilst i'm here and meet the most fantastic people possible and have some good times and experiences.
I love beer.
i like people who make me feel geniunely happy:]
i like summer
and summer nights
I like to indulge in a little beer now and again ;) going to gigs and partys.
I love NIN and Trent Reznor, he is a genious.
I play guitar, who doesn't. Looking forward to getting something going.
I would like to meet lots of new friends and prehaps a lady.
If you want to know anything about me
Just Ask!I was in prison for 5 years for killing and eating these three virgins but i'm out now and good to go........lets meet up!Also, I am straight edge most nights, apart from fridays and saturdays, occasional thirsdays and weeks I have off college and occasional weekdays including monday wednesday and tuesday. aswell as sunday.^^^^^^GENIOUS ^^^^^^now here's a poem i wroteRag it, tag it, sag it, dice it, slice it cut it, turn around, tuck it im, bring it up, hook it round give me a "wheyy" take your clothes off step in my shower, water, daughter, guess what i bought her, taught her, kiss those tight lemon breasted gwerp infections, rub it, suck it, bite it, mutilate the end, tense those uncured warts and use them as bullets, send it right, lift it up and take it through, drive by, open up and slip it in, ultimate pleasure,saucy, raunchy, taunt my disabled bull torso, hazed, dazed, completely amazed, dishwasher gravy, wondering why you gashed her, i never passed her, uncut, baptized, morgan realized, he was from there, touched, abused, unused, sit on my bed, show me how to love, teach me how to rage, eat my cage, rusty, busty, the slab of marble is dutsy, wipe it, type it, knock it back and thrust it, leapord, tiger, H.R Giger, i havn't either, gar boyn, know wharra mean, dilute it, pollute it, douse it in monkey guff, breathe in the face of an unwashed ginger, feel my wrath, eat my sternum, elbow, shoulder, knee and toe, psychotic, robotic, anti-biotic, rock it, put your sock in it, twist it, cock it, shock it, put a blister on it, mix it, would you like a crisp, touch my cist, nivea, immigrate to bolivia, take it centre, open it up, swerve it round, take a fast left, turn round, go down, jump, close it up, eat a monk, in the trunk, five shots to the head, take it to the left, purple road, chinese toad, power up, stick it down, pull it out and turn it round, owww, you gottit, taste it, paste it, let me see you grimmace, force it out, you can show it a toysty lung, grey, red, blue, great steamy poo, soemthing you can't undo, regret it, place a bet on it, a left earwigs tit, flip it, kick it, inside out, rusty trout, crusty bum juice, how much to loose, take that mars delight and show it october, come on, you know how to do it, give it a pop, try at the shop, take it from the top, don't let it stop........ADD THIS BAND ASWELL!THEY JUST DONT GIVE A FUUURRKK!
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