My most famous look-a-like is Link from Zelda, I have no sound or speed control when I talk and I speak to myself wayyyy to much for it to be ever considered ok. Talking about whirlpools makes me feel ill and i'm not talking about the washing machines either. I like to read and record little phrases which I find inspirational in my phone and the combination of a fridge and a tartan scarf can make me laugh for hours and hours.
I have a small obsession with hats, hats and pjyama's; I have too many of both. Record shops will be the death of me and my bank account and I am never ever on time that is the one thing i can guarantee, that and if I make you a promise i'l keep to it. (Trust it gets pretty pricey).
Everything happens for a reason so just go with it and never forget that. When I really smile I look chinese, I also do a mighty cher impression when i've had a few, so if you see me out ask me about it and your in for a treat.
I study Contemporary Art at Leeds Uni however you are more likely to find me eating peanut butter toasties and drawing tattooes in bed instead.
In all, as a psychic called Leon once said to me I am an 'peculiar little spirit'