Music and writing...guess I'm in the right place.Check out "Best Seat in the House" music reviews and music updates only at:
American Beer Drinking Club
BARLEYJUICEI haven't had the chance to see The Stones or David Bowie but for the most part I have met those I have wanted too. I worked in music since the 80's so I have been lucky enough to meet some pretty cool people...I have also been lucky enough to meet some idiots! I am also lucky enough to know the difference.
Everything and then depends on the mood...but it has to be good. I may have to listen to a lot but that doesn't mean I like it. You have to earn my love!:
Red Line Chemistry
Another Black Day
/aCheck out one of our friends Echovalve with "Dirty Little Secret"
Almost Famous, Help, Hard Days Night, Empire Records, Dazed and Confused...yes they're all music related. Like I said...thats what the site is all about.
Music Stations especially Fuse but most of all the little surprises you find from time to time.
Heroins Diaries Nikki Sixx"The Path We Choose" Sully Erna"Off the Rails" Rudy Sarzo
Those who choose to live their life...even if they get a late start!