Anything that can be listed and some things that cant. My tastes range from A-Z and generaly involve the outdoors. I am a huge music buff. Songs playing right now range between Floyd to Goodman to Slug to Bach. Food, sex and photography, not in any particular order, are the other interests near and dear to my heart... Also see: psychology, mind twisters, weed, poloroids, freeriding, people, voyerism, chemestry, print, pixels, backpacks, paper, clothing in general, design, dancing, SPELLING, jokes, PUNCTUATION, chistes, spanish, travel, VENTURA!, CMYK/RGB, internet, mixed medium, teeth, fill flash, kung foo, monopods, sterios, 900 count linens, hedonism, zen...
Everyone I would shit my pants over meeting is dead. LIke art that is priceless is usualy from dead artists. There is something inherantly appealing about something you cant attain. The only people I want to meet are people I cant meet. Doesnt that sound prolific, to bad its horse shit! Get at me... All yall! ..
You tell me!
Dad, Mapelthorp, Nachtway, MJ (the ..23 one), and Doogie Houser