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this is my I

About Me

i am currently working solo... breathing in the change of pace.. auditionizing nashville musicians soon.... so keep that in mind for your crazy/talented musical friends. passed bands: [AGENT]... and SV.. and check out The Weekend Warriors, i sound good in french. FASHION.WAR. (myspace.com/fashionwarrecords)


My Interests

i love it all

I'd like to meet:

These Productive Minds
........."Kill reverence and you've killed the hero in man. One does not achieve reverence with a giggle."

........."Everything enjoyable, from cigarettes to sex from ambition to the profit motive from love to egotism, is considered depraved or sinful. Just prove that a thing makes man happy, and you've damned it. We've tied happiness to guilt."

........."Challenge. You don't care what people say, you'll do what you have to do, and you'll act how you want to act. Screw society, screw what people say - you're gonna live your life the way you want to live it. break retraint, Breathe"

.........."Could i, even if i wanted. Would i, even if the opportunity was presented. Even if i approached such a notion physically, that which i find formidable even in thought, i believe the pleasure would be too much. But i couldn't and wouldn't because i deny myself pleasure. Because by this practice i enjoy life and the woes that so continually liter our throws. So we hang our heads.. but if the ground is what i wish to view, than what is the loss.. but of actualized wishes?"


ironic my love for this


silverchair failure glassjaw a perfect circle QOTSA GlassCandy sunny day the sounds NIN the Knife tracy bonham social distortion STUN the black keys muse Veruca salt the pixies head automatica nirvana helmet Zero7 soundgarden ETZ the smashing pumpkins shiny toy guns UIOG death from above 1979 nosforatu radiohead the beatles the clash Amy winehouse air deftones led zepplin the sex pistols kill hannah 30 secs at the drive in lost prophets red hot chili peps MC5 garbage the distillers year of the rabbit the dissociatives there are more i'll think of later...


"another dream killed by the tv screen"


Bring Me Books.... I eat them as fire would/fire wood...The Inferno by Dante The Odyssey by Homer The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and The Fountainhead and Anthem by Ayn Rand 451 by Ray Bradbury Pala Island by Huxley...

& they plot & plan & they say: "We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal. A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man’s mind."



My Blog

Link to: reading of prophesy

http://www.youtube.com/v/m9geO-Ke4nQ" blessed are those who hear
Posted by Logan on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 03:13:00 PST

Only blog ever

" Don't take it personally, my apathy is just an expression of me not giving a fuck."
Posted by Logan on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 06:47:00 PST