Supporter of NATALEE HOLLOWAY, We Remember! profile picture

Supporter of NATALEE HOLLOWAY, We Remember!

NATALEE ANN HOLLOWAY, From Mountain Brook, Alabama: Missing in Aruba, 2 years at the end of May. Dav

About Me

My "ABOUT ME" has been moved to my blog section. This space can be better used for helping other people and important issues.....Such as this:

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I love to write poetry. I love crafts. Music has always been a huge part of me. I love movies, both on the big screen and at home. Cozy evenings with someone you love. I love the rain outside when I am trying to sleep and even when I'm not. I love the ocean and how breath-taking it is when you first get a glance at it when you havent seen it in a while. Talking to friends.

I'd like to meet:

Well, of course I'd love to meet the Lord one day. I'd love to meet my past family members/ancestors that I did not have the opportunity to meet. Those that passed on before I arrived on the scene. I cannot think right now, but I am sure there are others. I have many friends on forum/boards that I have met .. and/or the phone and a few in person, but there are a whole lot more that I would love to meet that the opportunity just has not arisen yet. So, Blogsfornatalee, Bandits Earnhardt and Friends board, and the 3ofhardts club, y'all come on down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)


Well, I like most music. There are just a few types that just dont do anything for me.


Dont laugh, but one of my favorites of all time is "The Urban Cowboy." I saw it at a drive-in with my mom many moons ago and it still is great to me. I love the atmosphere and music in it. ALSO, "THE PASSION OF THE CRIST" (could have heard a pin drop. No one moved throughout the movie. All you could hear was sobbing.




JESUS, first.

My mom, dad, and stepdad, my grandparents and aunts and uncles......All of my family, simply the best, any way you slice it!!!My Mammaw Lucy, who passed away one year ago. Linds and Justin (always)

Each and every man and woman who fight for our freedom each and every day. They volunteered to put themselves in harm's way, if need be, and many have had to pay the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. I am indebted to these men and woman and thank them from the bottom of my heart. Unfortunately, to be completely honest, I do not know if I would have in me what they have in them, being able to do what they chose to do for their country.

Finally, Dave and Robin Holloway for being such an inspiration with their dignity and grace during what has to be the hardest time in parents' lives, which would be the loss of a child and having no answers as to why, where, how, etc. I love you Robin and Dave