Photography=dESiGN=Mountain Biking=Swimming=Camping=Hiking=Beach Volley=Clubbing=Shopping=Movies=Chatting=Diving=Snorkelling= Jet sking=Wakeboarding (would really love to learn!) & most water sports! =X
GOD & all those below Him!!
LOTR//Catch Me If u Can//Harry Potter//Kate & Leopold//A Beautiful Mind//Gladiator//Star Wars//You've Got A Mail//American Pie Trilogy//Crash Of The Titans (An old movie.. but it rocks!)//The Wizard of Oz//The Fast & The Furious//2Fast2Furious//My Sassy Girl//Ishi the Killer (You've realli gotta catch this.. its way gross!) Oh ya.. Finding Nemo. I Loved It!! & ALOT more..
Anything but Chinese!