MUGZY & MELI of Macho's Bulliez profile picture

MUGZY & MELI of Macho's Bulliez

Puppies will drop in December 2006!

About Me

FORMERLY MACHO KENNELS, now on myspace. The Story & Legacy Continue!
On August 11, 2002, two cowards by the names Frank Boesch and Rex Yturri of the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Department murdered two dogs my family and I had raised and grown to love very much. That is after Gary McLaughlin, Deputy Animal Control Officer #8349 for S.J.C. "determined that both pit bulls were a danger to the public and that he would not be able to control them without the use of force." The lying punk never even attempted to catch my dogs or use a tranquilizer. And of course, the main coward Sergeant Richard Dunsing, who gave the command to shoot. Although there was an elaborate story of attacks, nobody was bitten or harmed and, these so called professionals found it necessary with their commando tactics to hunt down and kill my dogs purely because they were Pitbulls. Those officers are ignorant killers who, I assume believe the stereotype that Pitbulls are automatically bad dogs because of their extreme physical ability, high pain threshold and intimidating definition of physique. The fact is, these dogs are the most loyal, loving and able dogs you can own with the proper love and discipline. The thing that makes a Pitbull go bad is the owner! Why couldn't they be captured and/or tranquilized by so called "Animal Control" Officer Gary McLaughlin. He never even tried to use a tranq. These are suppose to be professionals hired to protect and serve. Instead, they are licensed badge-wearing, loose cannon, trigger-happy killers. My dogs were running scared because they were being sought after by uniformed street commandos. But they still found it necessary to not only shoot them but kill them as well. Any professional would know that if a dog was really vicious and was going to attack, it would do so. It wouldn't run and keep running. According to the many reports filed by the many officers involved, the dogs were cornered several times and still kept running. That was one thing that all reports reflect. The dogs were running. They were scared. The officers never intended to handle this the professional way. These officers of the law saw a prime opportunity to create this blown up situation purely because they were dealing with Pitbulls and knew they could get away with it. They found an easy way out because, not one of them was man enough or smart enough to deal with a situation of this sort in a professional or humane way. Just as they do with many situations they encounter, probably each and every day, because they are badge-wearing hypocrites. The fact is, my dogs got loose, scared some people, and someone called authorities. The events that followed were instigated and created by the Sheriff's Deputies that reported to the scene. If these dogs would not have been Pitbulls, it wouldn't have gone down the way it did with our dogs. A word to the cowards: if you're too scared to do the job our taxes pay you to do, you need to find a new occupation. Don't make me and my family suffer because you're an ignorant idiot and don't know what the hell you're doing. Macho died scared and confused and never once hurt anyone, not even the day he was killed.
Subject: Had some remarks.........
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 12:29:15 EDT
From: CPD****
To: Macho Info
First let me say Im sorry to hear about the Police killing your dogs. As a Police officer myself in New Jersey I have seen first hand the fear and misunderstanding many people have and even alot of my fellow officers have when it comes to Pitbulls. I myself usually carry a control stick and I snare the dogs whenever possible because being a former owner of a pitbull I love the breed and I know that they get alot of BULLSHIT publicity!!!!!!!!! What average people dont understand is that all dogs are born with an instinctive aggressive switch. It is not something that can not be controled wheather its a pitbull or a Chocolate Lab. It has to do with training and socializing the dogs and showing them right and wrong like you would show your children. In my 10 years of being an officer I have seen alot of dogs owned by young kids who's parents dont even know they have the dogs. There kept in abandoned homes starved for weeks then fed hot peppers with bloody meat, physically abused like some people would not do to thier kids or just trained to be nothing more than a killing machine. You do that to a poodle and it would be just as vicious as any pitbull but people dont think that way. It makes me sick to be honest. I tell everyone on my squad if you got a pitbull call you hit me up on the radio and Ill go snare the dog unless its vicious and going crazy. if its running away its not a threat so keep it within thier sight till I get there. I think more officers need to educate themselves on just how nice and loving pitbulls can be. I have a friend who is an officer and he owns two of them. He and I sware by the breed because we have first hand knowledge that they are a good breed. I had gotten my black one as a 2year old and I never had a problem with him. Some asshole poisoned him about 6 years ago. In closing I wish you much luck in your attempts to shine a light on the true nature of the breed and to stop the ignorance of soooo many people.
Camden Police, New Jersey
Subject: Sorry
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 23:53:11 -0600
To: "Macho Info"
Let me star by saying that I feel for your lost by the hand of unprofessional and inhumane so call Law Enforcement Officers who give a bad reputation to officers around the country. I'm a Police Officer myself in the State Of Utah, and I have seen and also encountered so call Police Officers that have the worse decision making and ignorance when it comes to dealing with pitbulls. Just recently a Salt Lake County Sheriff Officer responded to a call from a citizen complaining of a dog fight, in which a 8 week pitbull puppy was involved with an adult Labrador. The owner of the Lab kicked the puppy so hard that broke one of his legs and a couple of his ribs. I was present when this incident happened but I couldn't get involved as a cop due my frequent attendance to the dog park where this incident happened. When the Deputy arrived, I was a witness of the incident and the owner of the lab received a ticket for animal abuse. Everything was fine to that point until the pitbull puppy stack his head out the window of the car and the Deputy told the owner of the puppy to keep his dog inside the car or else he will shoot the puppy for sticking his head out the window. The Deputy was ready to shoot an 8 week old puppy just because it was a pitbull. The puppy wasn't even barking or being an immediate threat to the officer. That just shows you how ignorant, to say the least, are certain so call cops. Me, being a Law Enforcement Officer, reported this officer along with other witnesses and he was reprimanded by his department. My point here is that I'm with you 100% and would like to help you in any way I can. My e-mail address is ********** and work for Utah State Police. This kind of behaviour in part of a Police Officer should not be tolerated. If you need any advise or support please feel free to contact me.
Piero Ortiz-Mori
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 16:03:29 -0400
From: "brian moore"
To: "Macho Kennels"
The pups are very impressive. I hadn't heard about your dogs. If you don't mind me askind, how did it come about? It's not legal for even an officer here to shoot a dog unless his life is in danger. I am an E.R. nurse and in with most officers. Even the local drug task force, when they go to a place for an arrest or find fighting dogs they call me and I go take over with the dogs. I have never had a problem with them. Its understanding the personalities of the dogs. When dogs are found that have been fought they are signed over to me by the D.A. I train them to hunt wild boar and adopt them out. This is a far better answer than just putting all of them to sleep because they are pits. Out of the last 12 dogs I've obtained 11 have wonderful homes.Since I started 3 officers a deputy and an agent now include a pit pup in there families. Every small step goes a long way. Keep swinging and watch your 6.
Good luck.
Brian Moore aka Redneck
Subject: Re:
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 07:38:17 -0400
From: "brian moore"
To: Macho KennelsT® ©2003
References: 1 , 2
Its the same old story when people don't know what they are talking about. I live in Ga. When someone goes against the system there is a brotherhood with law enforcement to protect your own.I have seen this in motion and they win most times (truth or not) I just ment to cover your ass and make sure all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed. NOONE lies like a cop when pressed. I wish you all the luck in the world. Let me know what happens.
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 18:18:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Wadler
To: Macho Info
Too bad that you the owner could not control his own dogs, thereby leading to their death. You can't breed fighting Pit Bulls and intimidate your neighbors, and then cry when two out of control dogs get shot. You are right when you say that the owner is the problem. I have met you and consider you the biggest asshole in San Joaquin county, no wonder your dogs are vicious to other humans. You and your Dad are real pieces of work. You will probably throw this away because you can't look objectively at the situation that you ultimately caused, and blame the County employees whose job it is to protect us citizens from folks like you and the one's you breed. I am ashamed to be from the same species and gender as you. Animal Control and Sheriffs are there for our protection, and 4 of them vs. one loudmouth opinion like you makes it easy to figure out who the problem is. Good luck in Contra Costa County, they will have no more tolerance for you than we did. Good bye,and Good riddance.
Please know that I will not leave my last name, because I fear retribution from psychos like you.
This pathetic excuse of an officer of the law is such an idiot that he purposely didn't leave his last name for "fear of retaliation from a psycho like me" but, if you look at the top he clearly sent not only his last name but his email address also. What an idiot! Please send him an email and let him know what a lame he is. This email was sent to me through my website the very day another idiot that works for the Corrupt San Joaquin County, Animal Control Officer Gary McLaughlin, responsible for the death of my loving dogs Macho and Princess.....came to my home under false circumstances wrote me a ticket for six different animal code violations, two of which are animal cruelty and are ALL false. This is after killing my dogs and me filing formal complaints with the county including Gary McLaughlin's Supervisor Agricultural Commisioner Ron Cotta. I never got a response from my complaint but that bitch Gary McLaughlin came to my house bringing three bitch Sheriff's to harass me and falsely charge me for BS, which was the day I received the above email from let me say it again, the bitch Brian Wadler. His bitch ass was standing on my porch and didn't say shit but, then he felt the need to write me through the website because he was too much of a coward to say something on my porch. Let me back up when I opened the door and saw that punk on my doorstep my blood started boiling and I said oh, aren't you Gary McLaughlin, and he said my badge number is, and I said you're Gary McLaughlin right? He confirmed and I told him to his face what a piece of shit he was and a coward and had no business being employed as an animal control officer. That's why I'm a psycho. I call it standing up for my rights against corrupt cowardly pigs and pig wannabes. He looked like he was peeing all over himself. That is probably what he does when encountering pitbulls which is why he kills them instead of doing his job. Those Sheriff didn't say shit with their tails between their legs and then I got the above email. I moved out of Shit Joaquin County for the security of my dogs because they labeled me anti-law enforcement and a breeder of "fighting pitbulls". Kept trying to bring cases against me and still are trying to. I have never encouraged, allowed or taught any of my dogs to fight. Nor has any of my dogs ever bit a person. They have targeted me with harassment and are falsely accusing me of things. But they can't touch my dogs now. God has blessed me with a much better place to live and a much better situation for the security of my dogs away from Corrupt San Joaquin County Cowards. You guys can kiss the ass of every one of my dogs
For the record, neither I nor Macho Kennels is anti-law enforcement. Just anti-corrupt law enforcement. Which is what a large part of San Joaquin County and law enforcement in general is. I have received support from law enforcement who are ashamed to work with racist, breedist uneducated lames like these guys who probably have their hoods on a few nights a week at their meetings. I heard that a large part of the San Joaquin County Sheriff are KKK. My cousin is an officer of the law in Phoenix, AZ area who owns my dogs and has a friend that owns one who is also a Seargent in law enforcement. That's just another bullshit story from garbage pigs trying to justify their corruption and draw the attention from the real problem.....THEM!
~Robert Gough,
....Finally posted Sunday November 5, 2006....
This story has grown incredibly! Check back soon to find out how I have been targeted repeatedly for the last few years and it followed me from San Joaquin County to Fresno County. I was told by an SPCA officer in Fresno County who, out of respect for him, I will not reveal his name, that he got a call from the same animal control officer that was responsible for my dogs being shot and was told about my website and he told him to go mess with me. This is the only man who has been logical and professional. Why? Because he owns a female pitbull amongst other dogs and he professes that it is the best dog he has ever owned. Fresno County adopts out pitbulls...God bless them for that! I am currently working on writing the events that have been neglected the last couple of years due to me being distracted and my life being pulled from under my feet. I take responsibility for letting my guard down but, I refuse to stay down. Thanks to God, my oldest son Dee Jay, the inspiration of my other sons Robby, Andrew, and Riley, my family and my brother Mugz, I'm still standing and although I'm still trying to raise my head high again. I'm stronger than ever. And the pollution within our system is not gonna hold me down. They will answer for all of this. There is so much to tell and I have so much paperwork to scan and testimonies of my family to let be heard that it will take some time to put together. There are still three dogs in my family. Mugzy, became my father's dog. He currently temporarily stays with me. I still have Snow Chief. My mother owns Meli, whom I bred and she currently carries puppies from Mugzy. They will be sold cheap, pet quality with no papers to family oriented homes. One Love .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

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Animal Control

(Body: I am not the original poster of this...dont know who is, but it is sad) I'm an Animal Control officer in a very small town in central North Carolina. I'm in my mid thirties, and have been worki...
Posted by MUGZY & MELI of Macho's Bulliez on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 10:17:00 PST