What follows below is pretty self-explanatory.They really should have a hates section.Next target please!
The Many Incarnations Of Belinda Carlisle All At The Same Time.
Where do I start?Joy Division/New Order,The New Blockaders,Big Black,Laibach,Acid Mothers Temple,The Perfect Lovers,Whitehouse,Belinda Carlisle,Toxic Lipstick,The Birthday Party,The Velvet Underground,Wolf Eyes,Spice Girls,The Triffids,Grey Daturas,The White Petunias,Vocokesh,Dada-Meinhof,The Dead C.,Sutcliffe Jugend,Merzbow,,Dizzygotheca,Sophie Ellis-Bextor,Talkshow Boy,early Deerhoof(naturally):), Ashtray Navigations,Low Resistance Group,Nylstoch,The Cure's '17 Seconds'/'Faith'/ 'Pornography' trilogy(of course:)) UnAustralians,Antipan,Skullflower,Ascension,Mosseisly, (D:)Yellow Swans,Musicyourmindwillloveyou(Brothers Of The Occult Sisterhood,etc.,),Sunn O))),Wig Wam,Boris,Lordy, The Lost Domain/The Invisible Empire,Slint's "Good Morning Captain",Batrider,Singing Sadie & Al Duvall(how can you fault a version of "Gloomy Sunday" which omits the additional "it was all a dream" verse(yech!) with bonus tap dancing?),Chicks On Speed,Abject Leader,Death In June,Moog records,Naked On The Vague(I prefer their doomy art-dirge side,of course),Trent Reznor Must Die!,Blake Babies,Khanate, T-Shirt,The Incredible String Band,Hawkwind,Venom P. Stinger,Justice Yeldham,Kittyoke,Kylie Minogue,early Jesus & Mary Chain, Rod Cooper,Bardot,SPK,Marissa Nadler,Boyd Rice/Non,Go-Gos, The Crystals,Vibracathedral Orchestra,The Ronettes, Hototogisu,A.M.,Richard Cheese,Birchville Cat Motel,Tatu,Kemialliset Ystavat,ABBA,Kevin Blechdom(esp. her vers. of Dolly Parton's[NOT whitney Houston]"I Will Always Love You",a classic exercise in audience testing)...AND...Squeeze The Prostheses(Fresh!)...To Be Continued...
Videodrome,Romy & Michele's High School Reunion,Blade Runner,Wolf Creek,Dark Star,early Peter Jackson,Vampire Circus,Power Point,Whsipering Corridors,Solo,El Topo,Iczer One,Hellraiser,The Apple,Urotsukodoji:Legend Of The Overfiend,Wings Of Desire... Classified,Official Secrets Act,Etc.:)
Doctor Who,Blake's 7,The Avengers,Buffy/Angel,Drawn Together,Black Adder,Various docos on history,politics,the arts & sciences,The Quatermass serials,Torchwood(oh those blood & snogging heart of darkness shows),The Sarah Jane Adventures,Oz,Futurama,Blackpool,The IT Crowd(especially the episodes with Desmond the goth),Black Books,Ultraviolet, Smallville,The Goodies,Lain,Nighty Night,The Cantenbury Tales, Basil Brush,The Day Of The Triffids,Sailor Moon,And...Ask:)
Margaret Attwood's "The Handmaid's Tale",H.P. Lovecraft,J.G. Ballard,Lawrence Miles, Albert Camus,Phillip K. Dick,Gunter Grass's "The Tin Drum",Joseph Conrad's "Heart Of Darkness",Franz Kafka,Harold Pinter,Joe Orton,Chuck Palahniuk's "The Fight Club", Doris Lessing's "The Memoirs Of A Survivor",Fred Hoyle's "October The First Is Too Late",Olaf Stapleton,Kate Orman,Charles Baudelaire's "Les Fleurs Du Mal",William Hope Hodgson,Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman",Alain-Fournier's "Le Grand Meaulnes",Jorge Luis Borges,Thomas Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow",Gabriel Garcia Marquez,Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We",Clark Ashton Smith,Frank Belknap Long,Edgar (Peter) Allen Poe, Fra... At A Later Date :)
I've got no idols.