Club Motos:
"In discordian discotheques we t(h)rust"
"Like a surprise party-in your pants!"
"What is Fuzz + Rumble?"
Shortest possible answer:
An irregularly run club nite for irregular regulars.
Longer version:
The real origins of Fuzz+Rumble (pronounced "(fuz and ruhm-bl) the enfant terrible brainchild of the entity that claims he should be refered to as "cloudface" are lost in bullshit and blather.
One explanation however has to do with Fuzz+Rumble having similar origins to another Brisbane clubnite that was inspired by the song "Out of the races and onto the tracks" by The Rapture insomuch as cloudface got irritated that "Love Punch" by The Chalets wasn't being played at a certain monthly indie club despite it being requested several times and the DJs saying they had a copy.
Another explanation is that cloudface got sick of bullshitting about putting on his own clubnite so thought he'd say he was putting on a club nite and people started asking when it ws on so he started putting them on.
This is more an art project/existential experiment than a clubnite/ could either go well for years or fail spectactularly-either way it should be the backdrop for the types of nights out you either think back on fondly or scratch your head over...
F+R Song Pool
Other explanations of Fuzz+Rumble:
15/05/07 version "About Me"
Other FAQs:
F+R Request Policy?
"Who are you?"/"Do I know you" etc
FR Club Forum