Outkast - So Fresh, So Clean
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theres alot of thing I'm interrested in like Music I think my music is very important If i didn't have it I think I wouldn't kno what to do but anything that has to do wit music then I lik it From Rap all tha way to mellow rock but not that much rock. I enjoy hangin with my friends cause we all are most of the time GHETTO but there all still koo I like football, basketball , a whole bunch of stuff but i lik dogz but i'd prefer a cat beause they take care of dem selves forget wat evey body else think J/k........ I am a strong believer in GOD I am a christian All though a may not Act lik it all tha time I do my best to live How he wants me to.So If any body see me screwin up hold me accountable iight fa sho
Fresh Boiz fa lyfe
My Mana Love heart!!
I'm the most tightest thing on the board right now
this is the meening of a true fresh Boi LOL
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I'm the hottest thing on a board right now
This wat a true Fresh Boi Look like take notes
Well at first I wanted to meetA grl that was almost perfect. But now I have one So really I don't want to meet no one else because I already have an angel.But tha person that I would mostly want to see is my Grandpa RIP he died before I was born but he left a legacy. %D%A %D%A OOOO man Don't fo get the fresh Grlz HAHAHA%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A
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%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A The mother of my Dead Kid Aka MY best single friend I still love her though.... we been through thick and thin mostly thin. But She got my back even when I'm trippin on E but Chea dats My ((Wifey)) ((Mommaz)) and Erething else but chea We gone go a long way I cfan remember back when I was an annoying ((stalker)) LOL but chea And She s A ghetto,spanish speaking,White grl so I kno your reading this but I still Love You HAHAHA %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A he's on his way Back%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A Here is the 50 million dollar question - will there be a Rapture of God’s saints before the Tribulation, or will all of God’s people living at that time have to go through the Tribulation and possibly be martyred for their faith? %D%A %D%A I’m going to go ahead and give you the main verses from Scripture that deal with the possibility of a Rapture. There is divided opinion in the Body of Christ as to whether or not there is going to be a Rapture.%D%A %D%A Each one of you will have to come to your own conclusion on this subject per your own interpretation of the Scripture verses I will list below. I’ll give you my two cents on the subject. I’ll point out key words and key phrases in the following verses.%D%A %D%A As you will see in the following verses, I feel there is very strong evidence from Scripture that there will be a Rapture - and that it will occur before the Antichrist starts the persecution of God’s saints, and before God starts to pour out His wrath upon the earth during the 7 year Tribulation. In other words, it will be a pre-tribulation Rapture. %D%A %D%A 1. This first verse is very interesting. You already know that one of the names of the Antichrist is the "lawless one" per the Scripture verse I gave you in my first article. This verse is definitely talking about the Antichrist. Here is the verse:%D%A %D%A "And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming." (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8)%D%A %D%A You know the lawless one is referring to the Antichrist because then the verse says that Jesus will destroy him when He comes back for the second time. %D%A %D%A But look very closely at the phrase "only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed ..." The "H" in the word "He" is a capital H. This means "He" is either referring to God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.%D%A %D%A
It's all about Gospel,hip-hop, and R
My all time favorite movie is don't be a minis in south central that movie is the guts!!! if you haven't seen it go watch that but the dummest movie i eva saw was nepoleon dinomite it...it..it had no point what so ever it was dumb thats what made it funny.
my favorite shows would have 2 say is 106 in Park and Wildin out. Sponge bob is da homie I lik dat show 2
What NFL WR are you????? (Sick PIcz)
Chad Johnson
Uses his athleticness to jump and hes got some break away Speed... He can also Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk
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my hero is most definitly Jesus and my Grandmother she tought me every thing I need to kno before I get out the house and for that she will alwayz be remembered by me and my family...Gunther