Rowdy Cowgirl profile picture

Rowdy Cowgirl

Howdy, I'm Rowdy!

About Me

I came from a Dallas Orphanage. The story was my mom was Precious, the lady from the ZZ Top song who had just got out of Huntsville with a knife scar on her face and pushed out of the car on Put Out Road. I don't know if it's true, but I love music.

My Interests

Sleeping and eating.

I'd like to meet:

Gary Floyd, any time, Andy Griffith, Rodney Crowell, Grizzly Man and Rin Tin Tin.


I love jamming to the Dicks, old school, with my mom. We also like lots of 70's country, outlaw and folk on sirius satellite radio. I hate everything new that sounds copied and with lots of expensive instruments played by people looking for a management deal and who do things that were edgy 20 or thirty years ago and thinking they're cool. You know who you are, rhymes with mean gay...


Badlands, the first Incredible Journey, The Wild Bunch, Cindy and Donna, pretty much anything not directed by George Lucas or Steven Speilberg.


Bonanza, The Andy Griffith Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, 6' Under, The Comeback, Being Bobby Brown, The Office in Britain


Get in the Van by Henry Rollins, Dangerous Dogs: A Manifesto by Cindy Foster


Ghandi, Gary, Grizzly Man