I LOVE FOOD!, movies, dogs, badminton, anything social, picnics, cars, cooking, winter sonata =), fries, sushi, music, Koko-my dog
"I touch you once, I touch you twice. I won't let go at any price. I need you now like I need you then. You always said we'll still be friends...someday"-OMD
Little Mermaid, The Notebook, Happy Gilmore, All of the Austin Powers, Kill Bill 1&2, Mulan, Superman, X-men, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Bruce Almighty, Click, Beaches, Pretty in Pink, Love Actually, Pretty Woman, Sleepless in Seattle, Forrest Gump,
How I Met Your Mother, Sex in the City, Boston Legal, Smallville, Heroes, Tyra Show, Friends, MTV, VH1, almost anything on Food Network, Simpson's, Chappelle's Show, Family Guy, Discovery Channel, History Channel...wait, now I sound like Ben!
My Dad and Mom and of course, Ben! My hubby! =)