About Me
:: Danio was born in Chile 1955 and he became a pacifist. Danio decided to be a hermit, make crafts, arts and music in "the Mapuche land", in the south of Chile, because of the military dictatorship 1973. He was forced to leave Chile and fly to Sweden. : : :
"THE GLOBAL LOBOTOMY" :: Danio's "GLOBAL LOBOTOMY THEORY" is about the similitude between a real Physical Cerebral Lobotomy and the changes the humankind experienced after Gutenberg's innovation: to part the printed words in block letters - a industrial revolution was born! The industrialization of the ideas.
The effects are not only ideological (ex. religuos and colonisation wars after literature and ideological influences), but physiological: an intellectual lobotomy is appear in the mind, and a split of the information in phonetics, wich do the " intellectual" half brain faster and causing stress. An intellectual dominans in our dual mind implys less empathy, more individuality, less fantasy, more consumption.
:: GLOBAL LOBOTOMY means that the civilization in Earth controles and governes by grammatical syntax against biology. A line stream structure of thinking, sequences of phonetics or letters in pyramidal hierarchy when reading or writing, slaves in time structures, replace our biological reason. A domination of virtual, intellectual logic, oppress the nature and oss. But we are still animals. Quantitative valuations encroach our live in danger to kill it (capital, economics, etc).
As a consequence of language dominance in pyramidal social structures we can also see that all civilization "Elites" (people who extremely don't know how to make things using their hands, but dominate with the speach) with the help of the peoples faith in religions, and now the belief in ecomomics, accumulates capital and exploites the nature and other peoples talent. Capital are for this people (economic elites) ciphers, numbers like points in a Computer-Game. For the Earth, as a closed system, are capital not ciphers, but ENERGY and LIFE.
We know that all verbal / intellectual/ growth economy-fixated civilization ends in ecological catastrofes (Egypt, Maya, Rome, etc). Anyway, the elites are dead, the people are survivors.
Ours HANDS had a principal role in Human Culture. Intelligence, communication, speak, are evolutions of fingers motor learning and life experience.
Handicrafts and agriculture are replace today by Manufacturing. Our intelligens and understanding are dependent today by Media Communication (commercial enterprise) and dependence of a life as not experienced life-bystanders (TV, film, etc).
_ In the past was the PHARAOH "THE INDIVIDUAL", today is most everybody in new generations like a little Pharaoh, a consumer. _ Then the consumption makes people unhappy because the humankind is a cultural being.
:: The finansial accumulation in high growth rate economy is energy we steal from our childrens world. Only an other new kind of leadership, a way back to a middle way to harmoniced life, empathy with other people, arts, love and music can save our Blue Planet. : : :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Music
:: The most of Danios music stuff are works from the 80's. Some music are recorded in cassettes at home as demo (Abre tu Ventana, etc), some are revived in PC, some are rest from 1983 recorded in EMS (Elektroakustisk Musik Studion) in Stockholm. "The noises of the Memory", (Pais2) 1988, are a political musical, composed around the voice of the murded president Salvador Allende and other people. Pais2 was: the perfomance artist and musician Omar Baeza, Danio and some guests. : : :
:: Estas canciones, al igual que casi todo mi material, son producidas en la decada de los 80. Tres temas de producción 1987 aqui completos, "Abre tu Ventana", "Los 80" y "Camisa Sucia" fueron grabadas como "demo" en un portastudio de cassette (Porta One), y desgraciadamente en cassettes de mala calidad. Este material ha sido recuperado en PC. En esa época trataban estos temas de la contaminación ambiental, las fuerzas de la naturaleza y el peligro de las armas nucleares. Otro material intento hacerlo totalmente de nuevo en PC, como es el caso de Atardecer Prediluvio que originalmente es de solo 1min, 30 sec. La nueva verción es de 12 min, comenzada el año 2000, pero interrumpida en espera de una mejor tarjeta de sonido y de un baterista / o mejor bateria programable. Otro material en processo son residuos de dos años de estudio en EMS (Electroakustisk Musik Studion) en Estocolmo, Suecia (1982-83). Estos reciduos son mixados en el PC formando nuevos cuerpos musicales, como por ex "El viaje de Ingemarsdotter", de 13 min. de duración (2006).
:: Material editado es "El ruido de la memoria" ( Pais2 ), año 1987. Junto al músico-pintor-perfomancer Omar Baeza hemos compuesto en un trabajo que tomó dos años, titulado "Pais Dos", una obra recopiladora y de homenaje a Salvador Allende, de iniciativa e idea de Omar. Musicalmente mezclando clásico, rock, canto, folklore y voces de Salvador Allende, Miguel Enriquez, representantes pobladores, el pappa Juan Pablo II y Fidel Castro. Artistas invitados a participar fueron Andrés Bonnet, saxofones y flauta traversa; Alexandre Grand, corno francés; Capri Hidalgo, voz en "Se siente América"; Sandra Auth, voz y coros; Clara Olivares,coros.
El primer tema de apertura, con la voz de Allende en el palacio de "la Moneda" bajo bombardeo, fué creado en su totalidad por Omar Baeza.
:: Quizás debo nombrar que por mi tipo de vida elegida soy limitado en lo económico. El que tenga buén oÃdo lo percibirá en la calidad de mis instrumentos y en lo limitado de grabar en cassettes o en PC con programas no profecionales. Todo material, es grabado en casa, a mis condiciones, excepto "El ruido de la memoria" - grabado en estudio, pero en calidad "demo" - y otras grabaciones hoy semidestruidas echas en el viejo estudio EMS. : : :
:: About the oppression of "Mapuche people" in Chile.
:: Acerca de Patricia Troncoso.
:: Sinopsis del documental “ NEWEN MAPUCHE†de la cineasta Elena Varela López, detenida el 7 de Mayo en la república "democrática" de Chile :
Elena es fundadora de "Orquesta Sinfónica de niños de Panguipulli"