D$B profile picture


Shades of death are all I see.....fragments of what used to be

About Me

********** ****** > ************************ ************ ****** The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. -George S. Patton****** ****** ****** ************ ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ********** ****** ****** ******************************** ************************************************************ ********************I play drums for a bunch of HXC and Metal bands from Ohio mainly. (EX-Ringworm, The COAST, A Fury Divine, Eve Of Shadow, In Cold Blood, Pitboss 2000, Ex-Acheron, Pyrokantha, In Effigy, Laid To Rest, Scorch, Empire Falls..........and a few more.) I fucking hate religious zealots of all faiths. I can't fucking stand sheer stupidity and the willingness to remain so__________AIM me: AFuryDivine666______________************** ************* ************** *********** ************ * ************* ****** ****** ************************************************************ * ************** *********** ************************************ ******************* ************************************************************ ************* ____________________________________________________________ __________I ABUSE XCEL DRUMSTICKS ____________________________________________________________ ___________ *********************************************** ************************************************************ **** ************************************************************ *************** ************************************************************ *********************** *********************************************************___ _______________________________________________http://www.my space.com/thecoast ----------------http://www.myspace.com/eveofshadow---------- -------http://www.ringworm13.com/ ___________________________C C H C Bitches!!!__________________________________________________ _________ *********************************************************** The Jestroyer___________________Age'/'2+7_______________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________
?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla ***********************************
Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

________________________________________________________ ******In Memory Of****** ****** S.I.X.X. ****** ************************************************************ **LANA HALL****** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *****Shawn Tiller****** ******1975-2007******** ************************************************************ ** ******************************* **************************************************Rest In Peace Gabe Mayrides, Javier "SOB" Carpio, Shawn Tiller & Anthony Lataster. *************************************** **************************************Rest In Peace ************************************************************ ***** ************************************** ******Best movie EVER rivaled only by Snatch************************ __________________ _____*************************** ****************------------------------------------***The Bag, The Brown, The Bolthorn******** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************________________________ _____________________________________******************** ************************************************************ ** *************************** ****** ************************************************************ ****************************************Everything from 88, Music, and everything that it may encompass. Playing it, touring, listening to it, recording it, hearing new.....whatever. I love hearing new bands that blow my mind, and sometimes send chills up my spine. I also enjoy wasting my life away with the Final Fantasy series and other RPG's or Ace Combat 4 & 5 with my PS2. Learning new things, reading, Landscaping, sleeping, raging, and playing with my dogs. I LOVE getting new socks on tour. That is my favorite fucking thing in the whole world actually. Well, that's at least around number 3 after eating meat at number 1 and Iron Maiden at number 2. Oh yeah, I love watching people breakdance still to this day. I can watch that shit for hours. That's at least in my top 10. Oh yeah I almost forgot, titties are a wonderful thing. They are in there someplace prolly around 5 I would imagine.

I'd like to meet:

************************************************************ *********************************************Best Photographer On The Planet!!!********************** ************************************************************ ********** ************************************************************ ****************************The Set Up/Ringworm World Annihilation Extravaganza 2005**************** *****************************************************88***** *******Stephen Hawking, HP Lovecraft, Attila the Hunn, Hannibal Bharca (The Carthaginian), Alexander The Great..********************* ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


This will take forever........... How about this-----All Metal--Black, Thrash, Death, Power, whatever. Tons of Classic Rock, Hardcore, Irish Folk, Glam, anything 80's really, Classical.....and a bit of the Hip Hop.


Yeah I watch em sometimes, never in the theatre though.***************************


Anything to do with the discovery channel or TLC, other than that not really.***************************************************** *********************************************************


Yup. R.I.F!


Soldiers and Warriors in any era of world history. The little fella from Tianna Minh Square that stood in front of the tank. Dee Snyder, Lenny Bruce....and many more.

My Blog

New Ringworm Video is done ----check it out ya fuck holes

Here is a link to where you can see it in a "rough draft" if you will. Lemme know what you like or hate. But just so you all know, Bob Dole fully endorses this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Posted by D$B on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 09:20:00 PST

Wanna see my resume? Then Google me bitches---Danny Zink Drummer

Wanna see my resume? Then Google me bitches---Danny Zink Drummer Some of it's there anyways. More of it may be under my pseudo names (due to Contractual Conflict....IE: Danny Lax, Danny $hitbag, Dan...
Posted by D$B on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:59:00 PST