i've lost my kitty and it makes me very, very sad. if you've seen her around NW Portland, please catch her, put her in a box with some milk, & call me.
people tell me i'm cute, and that i have a "distinctive" voice, which is a nice way of saying i sound like i've been sucking on helium. i sure hate it, but it also get's me free stuff, so yay!
i rarely dislike someone unless they've done something to me or the people i love. i love food, music, art, company, theatre, and kind of just...anything. i will get ridiculously excited over the smallest things, because they're what makes every day that much more different...and because i'm a spaz.
i like to have fun and dance and make weird sounds and tiny songs about everyday crap. i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE art and curate shows here and there. i like being cheery because life sucks, so i'm going to try not to.
i can be a vicious bitch when i need to be though. i know i'm small, but i'm not that small for an asian girl and i have twice the amount of bear-strength as you.
strippers are my favorite kind of people ever. they're catty and lovely and will strut on stage and show you their boobies and you give them money for it! fucking awesome!
smitten as a kitten.
crazy like a fox.
burnt-out club kid.>