Life, love, art, hope, faith, passion, heart, courage, peace, confidence. Oh yeah, dont forget laughter.
My father as a young man, James Dean, Tom Hanks, and Shakespheare.
From birth to now....The itsy bitsy spider, Saturday cartoon themes,Beastie Boys, Aerosmith, U2, AC/DC, (almost all of the cheesy 80's stuff), Elvis, Beatles, Bowie, Brazilian Girls, Sinatra/Dean Martin, Coldpay, Shins, Nick Drake, Jack Johnson, Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand, Pinback,The Postal Service, Elliot Smith, Tenacious D, Flight of the Concords, Seu Jorge,...I'm sure I am forgetting some.
Coming to America, Princess Bride, Never Ending Story, Spaceballs, Fish Called Wanda, Transylvania 6500 are the movies from my childhood. Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Swingers, Rocky, Shakesphere in Love, Office Space, Barry Gordy's the Last Dragon are the college days. Anchorman, Wedding Crashers, Crash, Super Troopers, Departed, Little Miss Sunshine, Stranger Than Fiction, Garden State....If I put movies I dont like the list might be shorter.
The Cosby Show, The State, Dallas(laugh if you must), Saturday Morning Cartoons from back in the day...Lost, Heroe's today.....and something that a friend is on. Like Amanda Axelrod on Raines this spring.
The Alchemist, Da Vincci Code, Angels and Demons(better), The Cat in the Hat, The Age of the Machine (hurts my head), Harry Potter(I'll admit it), The Burnstien Bears, Siddheartha, Night, Will Shakes, lots of plays
My old man, People with Courage, everyone who was willing to take a risk and go after what they feel passionate about instead of what they feel obligated to do because that's what they were told.