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Sister Black

'Coal and potatoes? what kinda gift is this, DAD!?!?' well, it's the gift of self-reliance, son, sta

About Me

"It all comes down to this roll. Roy Munson, a man-child with a dream to topple bowling giant Ernie McCracken. If he strikes, he's the 1979 Odor-Eaters Champion. He's got one foot in the frying pan and one in the pressure cooker. Believe me, as a bowler, I know that right about now, your bladder feels like an overstuffed vacuum cleaner bag and your butt is kinda like an about-to-explode bratwurst... Was I talking out loud? Was I? Sorry. Good luck."Take the quiz:
What Hardcore band are you?

You are Refused. You hate capitalism. You want to revolt against the bourgeoisie every chance you get. You also are Swedish. You also shouldnt have broken up.

they got it pretty close on that quiz, except I'm Norwegian by descent, it's a fairly easy geographical error for a 'net quiz to make though...

My Interests

You must know your a Master Ninja.
You have found out the art of the ninja, and have sworn your life to the training of harnessing of all weapons possible, be them mind body or spirit.Take the quiz: "What rank of ninja are you?"

I'd like to meet:

.. width="425" height="350" ..I might be interested in meeting the dweebs who did this shit to these animals and give 'em a piece of my mind...
Roy 'The Rubberman' Munsen... I think I'd like to hang out with him for a bit.


Refused, AC(lightningbolt)DC Particularily the bon scott era, ghosts of modern man, moneen, talking heads, devo, the end, (i)nc, the Legitimate businessmans social club, the forever, Atrophy manuscript, the wolfnote, Fake cops, Queens of the Stone Age, Cockatrice!, sinatra, dean martin, Choke, van HALEN(not van HAGAR), more to come


Kingpin. just Kingpin.


I like blues clues and reading rainbow


I like to read the labels on beercans and medicine bottles....................... my favorite story is "the pilsner and the robaxacet extra strength"comics are good too, v for vendetta, if you can, go get it, PHENOMENAL! also, preacher, batman (frank miller), spiderman is always a guilty pleasure.I read far too much shakespeare, marlowe is a 'new' thing to me, I'm enjoying Dr. Faustus. also 'everyman' is good, I'd like to read the divine comedy one of these days.irvine welsh, piers antony and chuck palahniuk for fiction.eastern philosophy


Ernie McCrackenand spiderman

My Blog

Beau wants to tell you something.

If you speak to me, speak to me like I'm here. No more of this third-person shit. If you ask me 'how's beau?' I will kick you. Seriously, if you are asking me how I am, ask me. Do not ask me as though...
Posted by Sister Black on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:18:00 PST

I figured this might be the result, I don't mind

You scored as Anarcho-Communist. Anarcho-communists seek to build a society based upon a decentralised federation of autonomous communes and a moneyless 'gift economy'. The movement first emerged in ...
Posted by Sister Black on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 06:23:00 PST

Pump up

Getting Dogs PUMPED   This is something I'm very passionate about.  A lot of people don't know anything about getting dogs pumped.  Basically it's a new fad , which started about six y...
Posted by Sister Black on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:33:00 PST


I fucking hate todays "hardcore" (music?) that is all.
Posted by Sister Black on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 06:52:00 PST

This is the deal

so here's the fuckin' deal. there's some people out there trying to contest one of the truths of the ages. Maybe it's not you, and if you're not one of 'em, good, consider yourself warned, SOMEONE m...
Posted by Sister Black on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 02:28:00 PST