Singing like a lovely songbird... like a Raven, or a Magpie. Beautiful relaxing voices-Beau
Falling down, rubbing my body with various foodstuffs-Martin
smiths fans, morrissey fans, people who look like morrissey, cute vegetarians, jean claude van damme, aguaman, jon bon jovi (see below)
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we have a better selection than alot of other places, I guess if you're so interested you'll have to come down and see for yourself you friggin' snoop-Beau Actually, our list is kinda small because I'm so bloody lazy to actually burn new songs-Martin
'Duets' with huey lewis, and that one scene in 'Lost in Translation' where bill murray is singing that elvis costello tune. But that movies only half good. a sensible editor would have gotten rid of some dead weight in my opinion.
there's one in the corner now so that you can watch the flames lose consistently. The only bar in town where both hosts hate the f'in Flames.
will be handed out accompanied with till paper (for writing on) and little golf pencils. Please feel free to keep the pencil! We have 1 thousand of the goddamn things...
that one dude that came and sang crazy train that one night, he was pretty sweet. I bet he was a liason to earth from the upper echelons of kareoke gods and he was told to see that our Kareoke night was good. His performance of Crazy Train was his way of bestowing the highest blessing upon us. Update! it turns out that the dude in question was actually none other than DON WILLIAMS!!!..