I'd like to meet:
Stephen Colbert and Ringo of coarse.
Synthetic sounds of all sorts
Short Bus/ Logans Run/ All Marx Brothers films/ Hard Days Night/ Beatles/ The 7 Percent Solution/ Dementia 13/ Zelig/ Stardust Memories/ Vertigo/ Breakfast Club/ Random Harvest/ Gangster no. 1/ The Big Lebowski/ The Day the Earth Stood Still/ Tom Green's Subway Monkey Hour/ Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy/ Altered States/ The Big Chill
Turner Classic Movies, Twin Peaks, The Colbert Report and Kids in the Hall
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell~Sussana Clarke/ Flatland, A Romance of Many Dimensions~Edwin A. Abbott/ Kurt Vonnegut/ Chuck Paliniuck/ Alex Garland
Robert Montgomery and Bette Davis