In no particular order: DRINKING, hanging out with a boy that has the sweetest face ever (insert SIGH here), conversations about the genius use of cowbells in popular music of yesterday and today (usually while drinking), making out while listening to Leonard Cohen, being a shut-in, the Bruins, drinking/eating Rootbeer floats, ponies, PBR, visiting states that are warm all the time, making bears, the Boston Red Sox, Miller High Life, myself...I'm hilarious, pirates, Newcastle, date night wednedsay, starting a militia, watching cartoons with Steven, cookies, forensics, my opinions...not yours, drinking WHISKEY!!!
It's been done.
Sheer Terror, Blue Oyster Cult, Blood for Blood, Cake, the Streets, Burzum, the Misfits, Integrity, Skrewdriver, NWA, Avail, Guns N Roses, KYI, Johnny Cash, Neurosis, Today is the Day, Gordon Lightfoot, Brutal Truth, Slayer, The Bruisers, Madball, Neil Diamond, Dead Horse, the Killers, Motorhead, Social Distortion, Soft Cell, Agnostic Front, Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Clash, Hatebreed, David Allen Coe, 16, the Highwaymen, MC Chris, Choking Victim, Murphy's Law, the Pogues
Scarface, the Godfather, Boondock Saints, Dog Day Afternoon, Shaun of the Dead, Friday, the Jerk, Romper Stomper, American Me, Dogma, lots of Harry Potter, Mallrats, the Deerhunter, Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Small Soldiers, Grand Theft Parsons, Edward Scissorhands, True Romance, the Princess Bride, Death to Smoochy, Good Will Hunting, the Stoned Age, Out Cold
Law & Order SVU, the Shield, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, OZ, Family Guy, the Simpsons, Scrubs, all things Degrassi, Cold Case, and too many shows to count on Court TV, A&E, and the History Channel. Cheesy TV update: Steve & I have also been watching lots of quality programming as of late, so here goes - DOG The Bounty Hunter, Hogan Knows Best, Surreal Life, Family Jewels, etc..but not allowed to watch that Carter Family show. Nope.
American Terrorist: the Timothy McVeigh Story, the Princess Bride, Black Mass, Murder Inc., Lords of Chaos, lots of Harry Potter books
M to the AY,D to the EN.