I like to read, and write, and think, and talk about issues like civilization and world peace, the end of the begining, the begining of the end. I wanna learn about every culture and every Country. I also love music, and I love bands. I have never been to a real concert, so I wanna go to one.
I wanna meet people who have expireances different then my own. I wanna meet people who can just chill out, and be cool, and take anything that life throws at them, plus anyone that can deal with Red, cause she's my girl and if she doesnt like ya...then theres something wrong with ya.
I want to find someone that wants me and only me. I deserve the world on a silver platter. I have never been given flowers for no reason. It's about damn time someone did that for me.
You can't be shy with me, I am shy enough. YOu have to know how to get me to open up. I hide from my feelings, I don't like to take chances on people. I run away from the good things, and I let the not so good things dwell.
The Doors, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Van Halen The Eagles , Metallica, The Police, Stone Temple Pilots, Prince, The Beach Boys, The Who, James Brown, AC/DC, Fleetwood Mac, Aerosmith, The Grateful Dead , Guns 'N Roses, Pearl Jam Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bon Jovi, Foreigner, The Beastie Boys, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, The Clash, Journey, No Doubt, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Alice In Chains, Duran Duran, Frank Zappa, The Pretenders, Black Sabbath, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Motley Crue ,Janis Joplin,Iron Maiden, The Cure, Coldplay, Slayer, Black Eyed Peas, Greenday, the killers, barenaked ladies, What can I ay, I like the classics, and I like britih pop punk.
Herald and Muad...everyone should watch this movie The Hannible Lector series Bonnie and Clyde Bride of Frankenstein Casablanca The Godfather, Parts I II III Goodfellas His Girl Friday The Lord of the Rings Psycho Pulp Fiction Schindler's List Singin' in the Rain Star Wars Taxi Driver Shit there are soooo many movies I haven't seen and wanna see, so many I love and watch over and over...I am such a cul;t classic kind of girl...Oh and I saw V for Venditta the other week, good fucking movie man, good fucking movie. So was The Island. So was City of God, and what I saw of Hooligans. Oh and that other one we watched...Oh shit what was the name...BOONDOX Saints or something...shit that was great.
Gilmore Girls, House, Grey’s Anatomy, Falva Flav, Girls next door, blablahblah....Tv addiction has returned.
I love books, read a bunch, I wanna read more. I wanna read more history books, and understand how the world ended up the way it has.
Someday I will get over the pain the my knight in shinning armor caused me, and I'll be able to see again what he helped me get through. He's a good man..but still a lost boy.