sound design, art, literature, field recordings (regardless of the banality), mathematics, rusty hinges, concentric circles, various theorems, dissonance, lack of fashion, animals, eccentric circles, photography, french foibles, number theory, death, door knobs, mayhem, complacency, indifference, biological modeling, lanterns, rustic living, csound, Pure Data, Max/MSP.
Goethe or Hemmingway, or shit...someone who writes something descent!
Thomas Koner, Twerk, Loveliescrushing, Autechre, Evoken, David Sylvian, Bongzilla, Antony and the Johnsons, Vase, Acid1, Eyehategod, Anal_Cunt, Halo, Isotope217, SO, Oval, Rachel's, Neina, Khanate, God Speed You Black Emperor, Lotus Eaters, Set Fire to Flames, Hrsta,High on Fire, SLEEP, BOC, Keith Fullerton Witman, Sutech, Tim Hecker, Richard Devine, Leviathan, Church of Misery, Wrest, Amber Asylum, Morton Feldman, Neurosis, Carol Ann, Dj Krush, NILE, Momus, Pig Destroyer, The Aluminum Group, Fennesz, Converge, Chopin, Goatsnake, Bella Bartok, Ludicra, Dmitrij Shostakovic, RDJ, Hangable Autobulb, The Locust, Bach, Atom Heart=Atom Industries, Phoenecia, Akira Rabelais, William Basinski, Robert Schumann, Graves at Sea, BACH BACH BACH, Alabama Thunderpussy, Boduf Songs, deat_h, NecroPheli, Gravenhurst, Siimplex, EARTH, Unsane, Vladislav Delay, The Rip-Off Artist, Evoken, Atom Heart, Microstoria, Lithops, Tortoise, m+m+W, Brian Eno, Earthride, Twilight, Haemoth, Boduf Songs, High on Fire, Tin Hat Trio, Boris, Kronos Quartet, JOhn Lurie, Tom Waits, ekkehard ehlers, Jan Jalinek, Gas, Sunn 0))), Eric Satie....The list continues on until infinity.....Whatever your definition of infinity may be.
A Clockwork Orange, Love me if you dare, Delicatessen, City of Lost Children, Man Bites Dog, Waking Life, Amelie, 28 Days Later, Institute Benjimenta, Elling, Fight Club, Soloaris, A bout de souffle, Elephant, My Own Private Idaho, Uncle Buck, Battleship Potempkin, Metropolis, "M", The Man Who Wasnt There, Barton Fink, Kill Bill, Midnight Cowboy, Baxter, Revenge of the Ninja, Lost Highway, The Butcherboy, Mother Superior, Street of Crocodiles, The Comb, anything Bros Quay...., Alice, anything Akira Kurosawa, Blood Simple, Trainspotting, Gallipolie, Mystic River, U-Turn, JOhnny Neumonic, Minority Report, AI, The Boxer, Lolita, Full Metal Jacket....
= for the feeble minded!
The Computer Music Tutorial, The Brothers Karamzov, Mysteries, The Hunger Artist, Gravity's Rainbow, INfinite Jest, The Day of the Locust, The Jungle, Heart of Darkness, The seawolf, A moveable Feast, The Damned (La-Bas), Pere Goriot, Lolita, A Brave New World, 1984,Fearless Invalids Home From Hot Climates, Villa Incognito, Gargantuan and Prantragal, The Trial, The Castle, Invitation to A Beheading, Pale Fire, Despair, Troubled Sleep, The repreieve, Being and Nothingness, The Methods and Meditations, The Republice, Point Counter Point, The Old Man and the Sea, Tropic of Cancer, The Air conditioned Nightmare, If on a Winters Night a Traveler, Vanishing Point, Journey to the End of the Night, The Monk, Girlfriend in a Coma, The Penal Colony, Lullaby, Blood Meridian, Sutree, Outer Dark, The Golden Ass, The Beast God Forgot to Invent, Tale of Two Cities, Jitterbug Perfume, Beyond Good and Evil, Libre777, You Shall Know Our Velocity, The End of the Affair, Darkness at noon, and many more.