booking en france :
[email protected]
lalala :
"Future primitivism at it's ripest and freshest state, and another reminder that the French are still kicking our asses."
Todd Killings (Victim of time).
"France's Cheveu have an excellent grasp on a very French post-punk dynamism, devolved in a lopsided way from progenitors such as Metal urbain, warum joe and Berurier noir. But whatever their model, these guys produce a superior guitar raunch with great memble mystery moves (...). The primitivism here is lush enough to make you fall over."
Byron Coley (Wire).
Trailer for Joe Casey's video on the Franco American Friendship Tour (tyvek & cheveu, 2 weeks on the west coast, may 2007). Joe Casey's page.
"Voiture", extract.
52' video on the us/canada tour (sept/oct 2006), by GD.
Check for more extracts & nice trailer on GD's page.
Promo clip for the Tête de Bébé comp, out on s-s records, 2006