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Mood: See mood

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

El Numero Uno


Frank Black or Francis P Keaton or whatever he's changed it to. Stephen Merritt. Journey. Sisters of Mercy. Brian Wilson. Syd Barrett. Blur. Bauhaus. James. Flaming Lips. Pulp. Joy Division. Bob Dylan.


I hate that movie Waking Life. It makes me angry. He did a pretty good job on Scanner Darkly though.Movies: I wait for the DVD. lol


Who wants to be a millionaire(UK version)


A Confederacy of Dunces. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. The Baroque Cycle. Not a fan of pictures of authors on the back of books. The last thing I want to see while trying to enjoy a book is some ponytailed douchebag in a raincoat trying to give off the I'm in a raincoat and I have a ponytail vibe.

