I like to play and write music, to draw and paint, and spend time with my lovely lady.
An extraterrestrial, Bill Clinton, Tom Petty, Steven Hawking, Jodi Foster, and everyone who I've met on my travels this past 4 years.
Steely Dan, Neil Young, the Doobie Brothers, the Band, the Flaming Lips, and the classical music station.
Army of Darkness, 2001 A Space Oddessy, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the Lord of the Rings, original Star Wars, American Beauty, Dances with Wolves
NOVA, X-Files reruns, the History Channel, Discovery Channel
Zen Mind Beginner Mind, the Good Life, Walden, Autobiography of a Yogi, Lord of the Rings, Hyperspace, the Holographic Universe, Leaves of Grass, Classical Japanese Haiku Anthologies, Einstein the Poet
Ben Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Jefferson, Leonardo DeVinchi, Helen & Scott Nearing, Wayne Coyne