History, Portuguese, booty(as in the posterior of a woman and also in the pirate sense).
The girl from Ipanema and the woman with three breasts from the movie Total Recal
Hip Hop, everything else.
All of em. Cool Hand Luke, Aliens, The Dirty Dozen, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart (ok sarah?), Cidade De Deus, Carandiru, Charlots Web, The Silence of The Lambs, Akira ...
Well I dont watch much. Since I live in Brazil my options are pretty much variety shows, soap operas and football(soccer) matches.
The Second World War(Martin Gilbert) The Hollocaust (Martin Gilbert),Guns Germs and Steel, The Moral Animal, The Life of Pi, Carandiru. Anything by PJ Orourke I will generally find amusing, The Razors Edge, The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, Cannery Row, The Winter of Our Discontent, a good comic book now and then.
My Mom, Myself, I fucking rock. Jesus I love me.