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Jackie Ulmer

Mom, Wife, Gourmet Cook, Friend, Writer, Home Business Owner and Internet Coach, StreetSmartWealth.c

About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!
Hi! I'm Jackie Ulmer and happy to be connecting with you.
I'm a mom, wife, friend, wanna-be chef and a home business owner. I am married to Mark, the drummer over at BackTraxx here at MySpace. He's a rock-star, but also a pilot to pay the bills!
We have a wonderful life, living in Lake Arrowhead, California with our two children. We enjoy boating, eating (thus, the wanna-ba chef part), great friends, music and just enjoying life. Life is short, after all, so making the most of everyday is important to me.
I have a healthy dinner recipe page on Squidoo, if you also love to eat and are looking for some new ideas that are not difficult.
I grew up in beautiful Durango, Colorado and am still proud to call that my home town. I loved living there, and sometimes long to go back. If you are ever looking for a fun vacation spot, give it a look!
I love Candles; music; poetry; firelit dinners and concerts.
When I started in Corporate America, I loved it. The challenge; getting dressed up every day; decorating my cubicle; etc. That lasted only for a short while.
Pretty soon, I felt overwhelmed with the challenges of never being able to please everyone; I felt strangled by my pantyhose (ladies, can you relate?); and stifled by my cubicle. Where was the FUN in life?
My dad was an entrepreneur, and owned his own business. I wanted to have the freedom that went along with that. So, I started researching and exploring!
I began my journey working from home in January, 1994, and "we've come a long way baby." I originally pursued a home business so I would not have to put my kids in daycare. After all, it's tough to make it on one income.I had an amazing career in airline marketing and had the opportunity to travel the world and learn about different cultures and taste all types of food. Maybe that is why I love cooking so much now! It mostly has to do with loving to EAT!
Through my association in the airline industry and then marrying a pilot, we've lived in a lot of different places. I've enjoyed moving around, but always starting over in some form of my career became difficult. That, and the decision to have children really forced me into looking at becoming more entrepreneurial.
It shouldn't have been difficult. My dad owned his own business and was always "there" for us as kids; at sporting or school events; and home for lunch in the summer.
I soon found that I really enjoyed working at home , in my own environment; working in my PJs, my workout clothes, or whatever; kids with me, etc. I soon realized that I was fast becoming un-employable. Once you have a taste of freedom, it's hard to not have an attitude about a boss making demands of your time.
Who wants a JOB and a Boss when you can have a Virtual Business that runs anywhere there is Internet access? That runs even when you are sleeping? After all, I wanted more than just a paycheck, don't you?
I wanted teamwork; to associate with like-minded people; and, more than anything, I wanted to decide what I was worth in terms of a paycheck.
Well, it wasn't always easy, but it has always been worth it. Today, I have both time and financial freedom, and my real passion is working with and coaching others who have this desire on how to create the same thing.
If you would like to know more about my journey, you can find out more about me and my story at StreetSmartWealth.com
It’s never been easier or more affordable to start a business of your own. The Internet has opened more doors than we might have ever imagined possible. Not to make it sound tooeasy, because it isn't, contrary to what some people want you to think.
It takes dedication and rolling up your sleeves, but the knowledge of knowing that you accomplished a business success story that is all your own is amazing.
Imagine starting a business with $50; your imagination and your network of friends and relationships. It’s being done every day by people like me and you.
Freedom of lifestyle and the income to support it are both being created through Internet and Network Marketing
And this is not your father’s Network Marketing.
This isn’t “make a list of everyone you know and hound them to death.”
This is the finest in attraction marketing, a concept I love and embrace, especially online.
I was not a fast starter in the home based, network marketing world. But I was committed to success and personal growth so I dug in and educated myself. I listened to lots of CDs and conference calls; read lots of books and attended seminars when I could. Today, that commitment has paid off and I am grateful everyday.
Here is what I was looking for in the beginning -
• Flexibility – no more 9 to 5, or boss
• Working with people
• Ability to create more than a hobby income
• Spend time with my children and NOT have them in daycare
Guess what?
I haven’t had a boss in over 15 years; I created the six figure income; I have fun building teams with amazing people; and my kids have never spent one day in day care!
I achieved all of that and more. And, along the way, I have coached and mentored others to do the same.
I would love to network with you and find out more about you!
Two Network Marketing Training Sites that might interests you, regardless of what you currently do -
Six Figure WAHM Training by Jackie Ulmer
MLM Success Training Training
Also, you may want to sign up for free report - "Profit in Your PJs"
Just send a blank email to streetsmartnews @ aweber.com

My Interests


Using the Internet to build a business from home. You can too!

Get my report - "Profit in Your PJ's"

Download Profit in Your PJs Here

Don't worry, MySpace will warn you to be sure you want to access a page that is not a MySpace page. This is normal.

How to Build YOUR Business Online!

Listen as John Milton Fogg interviews me about Building a M.L.M/Network Marketing business online.

Online Interview

Oh, and I love to cook? Check out my Healthy Dinner Recipes at Squidoo -

> Squidoo.com/healthy-dinner-tonight

I'd like to meet:

I am inspired and intrigued by many types of people -

Positive Minded People


Generation Y and would love to meet more from this group. My children are Gen Y and teach me lots.

I want to inspire their entrepreneurial gifts and expose them to lots of ideas outside of the typical - "Go to College; Get a JOB; Retire unhappy and broke at 65!"

There is much more out there for them!

Find out more about Gen Y in an Online Networking Business here

View my page on WAHM Business Builders


What can I say? Classic Rock is still WAY up there for me and Tom Petty is right up there. And I do also enjoy Daughtry; Maroon 5; Snow Patrol; Matchbox Twenty, to name a few!


Films about real life and people!


Waste of time, for the most part! I DO love the Food Network though and anything to do with cooking and entertaining. I am a Rachael Ray fan!


Anything written by coaches; John C. Maxwell; Robert Kiyosaki.


My parents, for starters, who managed to raise two responsible children who stayed out of trouble and are on a solid path. There is hope for me as a parent, ha!

My Blog

Advertising on a Budget

I was just asked by a new team member how to build a business on little to no budget. Here are ten ideas I offered. Many people who start a home based business have a limited advertising budget Howeve...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 02:36:00 PST

Who to Prospect in a Down Economy

There are certainly MANY industry groups who are suffering from what is going on in the US economy. This is a great time to present your MLM business to those who are looking for some income relief. I...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:12:00 PST

The Single Best Question to Ask Your Prospect

It's actually 2 questions in one, but it will most times reveal the seriousness of your prospect and his/her reasons "why" for pursuing a business. "How long have you been looking for a business fo...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 08:57:00 PST

3 Simple Keys to MLM Success

3 Keys to MLM Success If you are struggling in your MLM business it could be that you are missing something in the 3 keys that it takes to be successful. It's a simple system of business as long ...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:45:00 PST

Is MLM a Dirty Word?

Have you ever wondered this? Been asked this? Wondered why some have that perception? It's not the industry itself that has created the negative stigma. And, it's not the companies in MLM who will rem...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 01:06:00 PST

Why Would You Sell That Product?

I was recently asked this question by a man who had contacted me through my website and asked me to call him. My first thought was  "Why are you wasting my dime and my time?" Then, I realized that i...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:38:00 PST

Overcoming Your Fear of Making Calls

One challenge in a home based business can be that of making calls to leads lists or people who respond to an advertisement. Even calling those we know can create fear. And, at the same time, we know ...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 08:02:00 PST

5 Business Points to Ponder

How is your business growing? Are you aware of what a remarkablegift you have in your hands with your business? You are virtuallyunstoppable if you will just choose to be and take action.This week, an...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 10:05:00 PST

How Long Will You Keep At It?

The most difficult thing to get across to people when they begin working on the network marketing side of the business is that it is a business of longevity, patience (oh, I don't like hearing that!) ...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 05:11:00 PST

10 Tips to be an Awesome Upline Leader

Here are 10 tips you can take to the bank on being an effective,awesome upline leader for your team.1. Be an effective communicator. Communication is the key to everysuccessful partnership. Don't wait...
Posted by Jackie Ulmer on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 10:54:00 PST