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About Me

Welcome to my page! My name is Janet Hanson. I live in Minnesota. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband and family. My husband, Earl, and I have been "sweethearts" since high school. We have four children and four grandchildren.
My family is my top priority. I love to spend time with them. We enjoy board games (Pictionary and Scrabble rank up at the top), going on walks, camping and just "hanging out" together.
I love to sing -- not professionally -- just for the sheer joy of it. I usually have a song in my heart. I also love to scrapbook as I put the kids' photo albums together. I enjoy walking, hiking, snorkeling, camping, golfing -- staying healthy and active as I enjoy God's creation.
I feel blessed to have found a way to earn money online:
* without having to spend ALL DAY online;
* without a monthly membership fee;
* without a monthly Autoship!
I spend 10 minutes per day online...then the rest of the day is mine!
Click Here to See How

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*People who are motivated and dedicated to themselves and their families to provide the lifestyles they deserve.

*People who like to help others. People who like to learn and teach others what they learned.

*People who Inspire other People to Become All they Can Be!

*People who LOVE to have FUN!

*Join me as We Create Lifestyles Around the World!

*** Click Here to Join Me

My Blog

The Stupidist Lie I Ever Heard!

Are you trying to build a business online?..................................................... ............................................................ ................................................
Posted by on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:40:00 GMT

Tax Benefits of a Home Business

.............. Tax Benefits for Network Marketers**Thanks to MJ Petersen for the following information.  Great information for anyone with a home business -on or offline!In 1999, the IRS reinstated th...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:27:00 GMT

Stop It! Stop losing money's time to Make Money Online

Mad TV Bob Newhart Skit - Mo Collins - Stop it***I claim no rights to MadTV or the material presented in it and no Copyright infringement is intended. Enjoy this fan favorite classic Mad TV skit with ...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:12:00 GMT

Residual Bills?

Everybody knows about Residual Bills, right?It's those bills everyone has:  the electric bill, the phone bill, the cable bill, the internet bill, the rent or mortgage&everyone has them.  They come in ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 05:06:00 GMT

Personality Colors Training - Which Color Are YOU?

The Personality ColorsEach and every person has a primary "Personality Color" that drives their behavior.  Learning the Personality Colors Technology can be helpful in your personal and in your profes...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 19:34:00 GMT