Artful living and creative thinking. Travelling. Talking to strangers. Getting sticky. TURN ONS: Seinfeld reruns, root beer, light spankings and plane tickets. TURN OFFS: men in thongs and churizo
Cool, Chill people that can teach me something new.
Hmm.. Right now i am playing a 90s r-n-b. Amy Winehouse, Jamiroquai, Ms. DYnamite, The Roots, Common, Prince, Erykah Badu, Rachmaninov, Corrine Bailey Rae, Tricky
My top five at he moment: City of God, Lord of the Rings 3, Six Degrees of Separation, Sex and Lucia, Bad Education
Anything produced by the BBC. Discovery Channel, National Geographic. Scripted drama is so blah, but I do enjoy Grey's Anatomy.
Bible, Bhavaghita, Loa Tzu, What the Buddha taught, anything Lonely Planet, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran, The AFRICAN oRIGIN OF cIVILIZATION by Cheikh Anta Diop, Souls of Black Folk, On the nasty, I like...Delta of Venus by Anais Nin
My Momma, All the Prophets, JC and the Crew,