i'm a democratic recycling vegan who hates racism and small minds. and republicans.
so funny.
check the rest of her VLOGs at http://www.youtube.com/sarabenincasa
i'm a photographer.
[weddings. portraits - families, individuals, pets. bands - live & promotional. parties & events. anything you can think of.]
i do a lot of print design.
[album design & layout. posters. flyers. brochures. anything you can think of, but in the simple desktop publishing arena.]
for amazing illustrations, logos, REAL graphic design, contact Megan Redmond at dzandvrsmommy [at] tmail [dot] com. SHE is amazing
i'm a webdesigner.
[kjcreates.com - richardmarch.com - swell-productions.com - theinversions.com - terryhanck.net - artoflatraille.com]
...although my website is in dire need of updating since i concentrate on everyone else's first, please check it out if you'd like to know more...
i'm also a band... helper? person. thing. friend. yeah.
[cd sales & inventory. booking. photos. video. web presence - website, myspace, jambase, snr, etc.]
Now booking Richard March & his amazing superband...
Join us on a bill or book us at your venue!
Go to Neil Young's Living with War Today site and click on "Libraries" & "God 'n Country" to move the fellas songs to the top of their list!
also, when you can catch them, go see my first band loves, the inversions, at any of their now rare appearances. they're amazing, and ever changing. find will, ryan or adam whenever you possibly can, say hey and realize you're having fun before you know it.
also... i volunteer with happy tails pet sanctuary , the only no-kill pet shelter in sacramento.
oh and p.s. as you can tell from my name, i LOVE being an auntie =)
our knot wedding web page, that will eventually get filled in with details if we ever figure them out... if anyone's interested. linky here