Bonjour! My Name is Tattoo (A.K.A Bobblehead #1) & Im a male French Bulldog. I Just Love L.A. cuz theres a lot of HOT BITCHES. I have a sister whos a GROUCHY ASS Chihuahua named "Lola". She thinks shes a BADASS (I still LOVE her even though she always PUNKS me around). I also have a baby brother "Toby" & I love him very much eventhough he's annoying like hell, he loves to play with all of my toys & follows me around 24/7(being a role model is hard work). I love spending my time playing w/ all my friends at the park & most of all I LOVE making momma laugh.Hello! My Name is Tobias Bisou ("Toby" for short or as my momma loves to call me "Bobblehead#2"). I LOVE to play with leaves & w/ all of my big brothers toys. I try to stay away from my sister "Lola" at all times. I love my big brother Tattoo very much & eventhough I do look up to him, I still think hes kind of a BASTARD sometimes. Tattoo & I are always having FART competitions & I always come out winning!!! As for my favorite past-time besides playing w/leaves is making momma Laugh(I ADORE her)