..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Check out the 1st picture. It is the mysterious galaxy called Whirlpool.Now, take a look at what scientists have found in the middle of the Galaxy Whirlpool is the next (2nd) picture...coincidence?You can google Whirlpool galaxy and get the related images and info.It is fantastically amazing.After that read this:
"He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together."- Colossians 1:17Now look at the 3rd picture. It is a picture of this thing in our body called Laminin. Here are 2 definitions of Laminin.i)Laminins are the major non-collagenous component of the basal lamina, such as those on which cells of an epithelium sit. They are a family of glycoproteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue. Laminins are secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices.ii)Laminin is a major component of basement membranes, has numerous biological activities including promotion of cell adhesion, migration, growth, and differentiation, including neurite outgrowth. It can be used as a thin coating on tissue-culture surfaces or as a soluble additive to culture medium. Laminin has been shown in culture to stimulate neurite outgrowth, promote cell attachment, chemotaxis, and cell differentiation.
A.K.A.Laminin holds your entire body together...think about it...
Anyone who is passionate about living,laughing,and loving! Also,those who do NOT let what others say or do OVERLY affect them and sway them from their principled course, a truth seeker, beauty appreciator, striving for more for themselves/those around them and the world as a whole(to leave a lasting legacy;wow, I mean it truly is incredible...when one gets reflecting,and in turn,writing about anything at all later at night or earlier in the morning...one's heart truly bleeds thicker and is made more red in hue!). In short, anyone who is up to unconventional intellectualism, philosophical discourses, and besides all of that mumbo jumbo fancy stuff, who can just get down and enjoy the small wonders and miracles of creation that simply make life amazing in all of its fullness, magnificence, mysteries, and not to mention it's boundless abundance!!!Persons who are interesting in any number of limitless ways. For instance, just plain cool people to chat about life and stuff with. Other desirable people would include people who share common passions, values, or background details with me. And yeah, it just depends upon how things develop...people who I thought were boring and lame are now my best friends so you never know how things are going to quite gel anyhow. It is a very mysterious as well as intriguing process that never fails to fascinate me. I'm about 'just getting out there and seeing what happens' by taking calculated risks with people in terms of both my personal and professional relationships.
Mostly Hip hop, Reggae,and Jazz(Afro-Latin especially!). But also like a good dose of Reggaetón, Latin, techno, house, My parents were pretty hippie'ed out so I caught blue grass festivals over in upstate New York way back when. We even had a chicken around our yard in our still suburban central jersey house. I'm into all kinds, but I don't dig like the stuff that my brother makes too much. He is into 'experimental' distoring stuff into a microphone. He is just about to start art school next week or so; really, what do you expect now ? haha. Alright, thats about it !
-"Robin Hood: Men in Tights" Mel Brooks(is the man!)That goes for his broadway "Spamalot", and so forth! Have yet to get into "Life of Brian" and the other couple.Have to some time!-Saturday Night Fever(Travolta is the equivalent of an American dance god back in 70's haha!)-Antoine Fischer (gooood stuff there!!!Really intense and great moral lessons)-Forest Gump (classic stuff to load up there in your DVD/VHS !-Mr. & Mrs. Smith( pretty good action/slight comedy flick).-Willie Wonka (got to luvvvvv the original masterpiece; yeah thats what is still up Johnny Depp! )-Hummmm...used to watch more. Have a whole collection of VHS(Ol' schoo baby,baby!) but a lot has faded in my memory. Get talking with me and I'm sure I'd start to recollect stuff again.Into action/adventures, comedies, mysteries,thrillers and yeah...stuff that is just plain good, unpredictable, stimulating and that conveys a worthwhile message of deeper transcendence elements or traces of truth. Or just funny, light-hearted, and carefree! Allllllllll depending upon the mood!
I don't "DO" T.V. hardly. Although, when found cheating, I might be in front of Macgyver, A-Team ahhhhh yeah!! Making the old school new again ..or at least laughing at it incredibly a lot ! A lot of COMEDY CENTRAL is sooooo controversially delicious! "Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. "The Colbert Report" Programs that cover current events and trends and such in the world. BCC News preferred over Fox,NBC, and MSNBC, and the like. Feel that they're markedly more balanced in their overall world news coverage.I'm also really into volleyball. So I may have AVP play on at times.
I've never been a super big reader! But now that I have been out of school for 2 years, I find myself gravitating towards reading materials that contain significant topics of interest.For instance, investments, enrichment, personal development, spirituality, and other things that grab my attention.
My pastor and mother. Anyhow, yeah, my mom has just been tremendous throughout every season of my life that I can remember( cognitively possible since what age 2 is it?). She has weathered a very crappy season of divorce and having to learn a trade in order to support her children. She truly exudes solidly reliable amounts of strength, resourcefulness, determination, intelligence (book and street smarts as required), love, peace-keeping, and overall just sacrificing like crazy to keep the family so blessed and prospering as it has, does, and I trust shall continue to like never before!And my pastor has just been tremendous with raising a standard for wise, rewarding, and awfully exciting living!! He teaches nothing but the non-diluted, uncompromised Word of God and doesn't hold back from addressing very nitty-grittily applicable issues today. For instance, relationships ( what makes sense and what is flat out stupid however you slice it), respect/esteem for yourself and others, wisdom (with decision making and in general leading a fulfilling life), sex (thats right!! No prudes up in my church...well there might be some who will blush over quite a lot of stuff that my pastor gets into!), business partnerships/dealings(again, watching who you associate with; more closely that is and where money is involved), stewardship( how you handle/spend your time, money, talents, gifts, etc). Yeah its always an enlightening and one blast of a good time keeping what is most important up there on your priority list of things to pay attention to!!!