jesse. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a 23 year old student at Lincoln Christian College. I major in youth ministry. My goals in life are to (finally) graduate and get a job working with youth somewhere.I have been working at the Tastee Treet for the past 6 years as a grill cook. I am renowned for my skizills with a spatula, earning the moniker of "grillmaster p".i hope to make some sort of impact in any way God can use my talents and abilities. In February I went to Honduras on a mission trip and it was awesome to see a vastly different culture, and just get an idea of how others live. at the same time it convicted me of the needs of others and really put things in perspective for me.I am a huge fan of movies, namely comedies. I could (and have) spent hours watching good movies. I think i have seen Anchorman at least 50 times, its my favorite by far. I also like sports. I root for the St. Louis Cardinals first and foremost, but also like the Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, St. Louis Blues, and the Miami Dolphins even though they were 1-15 this year... maybe i should pick a new team. any ideas?I also like cars, mostly of the antique, foreign variety. I drive a 1977 VW bus in the summers and I love it. Its brown so we call it "The Turd" (or Terd if your name is Jed Parn). I also have a 1991 Mercedes Benz so I'm pretty much big pimpin'.my favorite word is Boom! real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests

Jesus, The Bible, BASEBALL(The cardinals) Reading good books, watching the news, Reading magazines, Watching just about any movie, The incredible Hulk, German Cars(VW's BMW's, Mercedes Benz)

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Will Ferrell, Billy Graham, Tupac Shakur, C.S.Lewis, Lou Gehrig, Barack Obama, Bono


AFI, ANBERLIN, The Almost, Aqualung, The Atari's, Augustana, BLINDSIDE, The Billions, BEN FOLDS(FIVE), Brand New, Butch Walker, Cat Power, Chevelle, The Classic Crime, Common, Dead Poetic, Demon Hunter, Disciple, Dashboard Confessional, Eminem, Emery, The Evan Anthem, Further Seems Forever, Far-Less, The Fray, Feist, House of Heroes, HE IS LEGEND, Jimi Hendrix, Jay-Z, Johnny Cash, The Juliana Theory, Jack Johnson, Jonezetta, KANYE WEST, The Killers, Lupe Fiasco, Lauryn Hill, MAE, MAT KEARNEY, MEWITHOUTYOU, MxPx, Nas, The NEw Radicals, Number One Gun, The Notorious B.I.G., Oasis, Outkast, P.O.D., Paramore, Relient K, Red Hot Chili Peppers, THE ROCKET SUMMER, Showbread, Switchfoot, Slingshot 57, Subseven, Smashing Pumpkins, Talib Kweli, Thousand Foot Krutch, THIRD EYE BLIND, Tupac, Timbaland, UNDEROATH, U2, Weezer, The White Stripes, The Who


28 Days Later, The 40 Year old Virgin, 61*, Adaptation, American Gangster, American Splendor, Anchorman, Batman Begins, Being John Malkovich, Big Fish, Black Sheep Blades of Glory, Bottle Rocket, A Bronx Tale, The Chronicles of Narnia, Cinderella Man, A Clockwork Orange, Crash, The Darjeeling Limited, The Departed, Dodgeball, Drillbit Taylor, Dumb & Dumber, Elf, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Flushed Away, Fun With Dick & Jane, Garden State, Gladiator, Godfather, Goodfellas, Good Morning Vietnam, I Am Legend, The Jerk, Juno King Kong, Knocked Up The Last Kiss, Little Miss Sunshine, Napoleon Dynamite, Old School, Office Space, Patch Adams, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Princess Bride Rushmore, School of Rock, Semi-Pro, Stranger than Fiction, Superbad Talladega Nights, Tommy Boy Unbreakable, V for Vendetta, The Village, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story A Walk to Remember, Wedding Crashers, The Wendall Baker Story, Winter Passing, You Me and Dupree, Zoolander


The Office, Scrubs, Seinfeld, Freaks and Geeks, FrankTV


Bible, anything by Michael Crichton, anything by C.S. Lewis biographies of athletes, presidents, other famous/important people


Jesus, Lou Gehrig, Mother Teresa,

My Blog


sometimes life is a big obstacle that gets in the way of living...our plans, dreams, and ambitions succumb to reality setting in and our childhood ambition dies somewhere along the way... sometimes li...
Posted by jesse. on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:49:00 PST

i wonder...

4-16-08 Lately I find myself reminiscing about the past. It seems like every year about this time my mind is flooded with recollections of my personal history. I do not know why this is& maybe it is ...
Posted by jesse. on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:46:00 PST

my soundtrack

So, here's how it works:1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)2. Put it on shuffle3. Press play4. For every question, type the song that's playing5. When you go to a new questi...
Posted by jesse. on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:02:00 PST