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I'm Super MOMMY! w/ M.S.

About Me

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The M.S. Ribbon of hope

I'm 32 with my first baby, I'm married to the greatest hubby in the world. And I have M.S., I've had it ten + yrs and have become real vocal about it so that's why you see it here. I want people to know and to ask questions and learn instead of making assumptions or going on very limited knowledge.I am a huge food lover, I love daydreaming about getting away somewhere beautiful and full of old architecture incl. Mexican ruins yada yada. I have been to Israel and there I got to go on an archeological dig it was amazing I also got to go through tunnels that had been excavated and used to be where people way back when lived ugh it was amazing! I think I have like a roll of film for each day!!! LOLI am Irish and Canadian and married to an American so who knows I may be adding yet another country to my citizenship list LOLI am looking forward to an MS cure or treatment that makes us whole again. With more people learning what it's all about it should make people want to donate even a little to the cause and if you do I suggest donating to the MRF, Myelin Repair Foundation or your local MS Society :o) The MRF is the only agency who shares their research information in the hopes that piggy backing experiments will bring the answer sooner! Normally drug cos keep their info secret and that holds everyone back! Of course it's because they want ot make their money back and more but for MRF it's about freeing the world from this new plague that seems to be affecting more and more people everyday!! (The head honcho who started it has MS so kinda wants an answer himself)I also forgot to mention my bestfriend who is like the sister I never had... she's known me since before MS and really the only person whose ever "really" known me before and after. It's nice to have someone who remembers who you were before all this so when you talk about back when you could do certain thigns they remember :o) Ty chica love you lots don't ever change!Looking forward to meeting more and more peeps

My Interests

LOVING MY FAMILY! THEN... FOOD!!!! FOOD FOOD FOOD and ummmm FOOD... Oh and spreading support and info on M.S.!Most of my fam is in Ireland so have to keep their time in my head all the danged time for contacting them.


Then there's the in laws, a lil easier:


Our time


I'd like to meet:

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Whoever (who wants to learn about MS!) as long as I don't get sexual stuff... I'm married and real happy not interested in that kind of thing thanks!!! But please MESSAGE ME (BEFORE YOU ADD ME) and let me know who ya are and why you're interested in being friends, I don't just add people willy nilly... not into the how many friends can I add game ;o)! SO IF YA DID TRY ADDING ME BEFORE AND I NEVER ACCEPTED YA IT'S CAUSE YOU DIDN'T MESSAGE ME FIRST ;)


Anything that doesn't hurt my ears! Never liked serious heavy metal... Love old 80's soft stuff and newer things like Gorillas... Man they're awesome! Oh and groups trying to add me if I don't like your stuff I don't add you so please don't try more than once mmmkay? Thanks! If you disrespect this I will begin adding your names here to show my dislike of your music!! THANX!


The Shining, 2001, 2010, I'd love a Kubric pack of movies! City of Angels, The Notebook, Exorcist, Forest Gump, The Colour Purple, Waiting to Exhale, 40 Year Old Virgin, and OFFICE SPACE!!!! I think we know that off by heart.. Kinda like Top Gun... hehehe we're audio and videophiles here. THANK YOU LORD FOR ALLOWING PLASMA SCREENS! pvrs.... dvdS... mp3S... ETC...


UPDATE, no longer such a parplegic YAY So I don't sit staring at the boob tube b/c there are no other choices anymore YIPPEEEEEEEE. I do still admit to watching two soaps yes I admit it All My Children and Passions, but only occasionally. Shows I like to watch right now are ... Grey's, DH & Heroes.


Amy Girl by Bari Wood, ummmm too many to mention from Eng lit classes... The English Patient, Catch-22...


Children who are diagnosed with MS... At least I had 20 yrs without it, they have to give up their childhood practically! Actually ill children period but MS if you understood what it can be like is pretty damned nasty! The only worse thing I've watched is lung cancer... My Mom was also a hero for me and that's what she died from 6/13/2004, I love you & miss you Mommy!!! (I'm a huge non-smoker after this experience so can't say I'll like hearing about you smoking if you do so either keep a lid on it or be prepared for me to tell you what it did to my Mom beginning to end!)

My Blog


Posted by Sarah on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:53:00 PST

Starting Chemo

(Shyte I just posted this as a bulletin LOL Meant for it to jus tbe in here GRRR Brainfart!) Okay well I'll try anything once... well I've done chemo before but not like this I did an oral med study f...
Posted by Sarah on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:08:00 PST

Blech.. Colonoscopy!

I am going in for a colonoscopy tomorrow... I'm cool witht hat but today I have to starve and drink this Kleen Prep concoction! I have to start that in like half an hour and you have to drink 4 litres...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:27:00 PST

Home from Ireland

Well heyloooooo I am back home from Ireland DO NOT GO UNLESS YOU STAY IN ONE SPOT OR HAVE LOTS OF TIME!!! Especially if you're on the more disabled side woah! We had a great time seeing every one BUT...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:28:00 PST


Usually when I blog it's like a diary of sorts. I write to let the people who care and know me what's up with me. I know I haven't written anything in a while and I was thinking I want to but nothing ...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:56:00 PST

4 days till anniversary of Mom's death

I am trying not to get too upset but sometimes just start crying not just cause I miss her but because I feel guilty it happened quite suddenl and I thought I had more time with her and took one day o...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 12:40:00 PST

Back from vacation

Heylo peeps! Well nearly a month with the in laws and I didn't want to come home. I was calling their home home whenever we went out somewhere so instead of when we get back it was when we get home......
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 31 May 2006 07:44:00 PST


Okay well it's about a quarter to 11 in the morning and I just started getting an uncontrollable shake in my left arm/hand :( I don't know if it's MS or from the little bit of cold weather we've got g...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 07:54:00 PST

Bumpity bump bump

K so I've had a lot of ups and downs but generally it's like overall an up... but this whoel may be allergic to Beta crap sucks ass and I don't think I want to do the protocol for cyclophosphamide at ...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:07:00 PST

Guess what I just did?

Well after being a parplegic and fighting my way back through massive fatigue lack of muscle and learning how to walk in any way again (parplegia began 4/29/05 or so) I JUST CLEANED MY FLOOR!It took a...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:28:00 PST