I am a movie fanatic. I love music of most genres. reading, writing, pottery
Fun, honest humans...other MSers...Nelly...Jenna Jameson...L.L. and anyone else that happens along...lol ;0)Get this widget!
My all time fav is rap/hip hop. I am old school but love some of the new styles too. I can enjoy just about any type of music. Somethings you will find in my collection: Eazy E, Johnny Cash, Nirvana, Nelly, Elton John, RKelly, Zydekool, lots of 80's stuff, some 50's & 60's stuff.
N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton
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Too many to mention! Here's a few: Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, Any John Hughes movie, Any Jenna movie, Do the Right Thing, Say Anything, Court Jester, Princess Bride, all of the Halloween movies...sans III, Don't Be a Menace in South Central...etc. Napoleon Dynamite, Crash, Hollywood Shuffle, American Beauty, Schindler's List, Young Frankenstein.....and on...and on...and on.
NIP/TUCK ADDICT, Desperate Housewives, Bernie Mac, SNL and a whole bunch of reality junk food for my brain
The Secret, Animal Farm, Great Gatsby, The Shining, Illuminata, Da Vinci Code
Maya Angelou, Mother Theodore Guerin (Indiana's first and only saint), My Grandma, Jenna Jameson, Marilyn Monroe